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Six - Sleeping At Last

And no matter what

Somehow we'll be okay

Don't be afraid


" My dear" Kali turned slightly, hearing Dumbledore walking in. Draco's pinky still locked in hers, and she felt him tense. " Grandpa" She smiled, walking over to him and hugging him. " Malfoy how are you feeling" Dumbledore wrapped one arm around Kali, but kept his gaze on the blonde boy.

" Better," Draco said simply. " He nearly killed him, Harry, Dumbledore." Kali scoffed, pulling back. And Dumbledore simply nodded. " He should be expelled," Kali said, continuing.

" You don't mean that dear. You are just mad. Which is understandable." Kali nodded knowing she didn't mean that. She took a breath in and already started feeling better. Even if Harry cast that spell, he never knew what it could do. He wouldn't have known it was a near killing spell. So as much as she meant her words earlier to him, she couldn't stay mad at him.

" Why don't you come with me?" Dumbledore held his arm out, awaiting his granddaughter. " I shouldn't leave him," Kali said, walking over to grab Draco's hand, giving it a small squeeze. " I'm fine here," He said but Kali paid no attention to Draco.

" He'll be here when you get back" Dumbledore had a small smile watching his granddaughter. Seeing how much she cared for him. And oh just how much she looked like his daughter so many years ago.

Kali hesitated to look down at Draco. But she could read his face, telling her to go, and he was fine. So she walked over into his grandfather's embrace. He slowly walked them out of the hospital wing. And into the dim hallways.

No one remained in them. In fact, everyone was off to bed.

" You care for the Malfoy boy a lot" Dumbledore teased. And Kali's face beamed red in the cheeks. " More than you know," She said with a smile. Dumbledore chuckled slightly, but then released a sigh, one that sounded as if bad news was coming behind it.

" What is it?" She asked him. " You are very intelligent," Dumbledore said, as she picked up on the mood. " And even more powerful." Kali didn't believe him. She still and probably always would struggle with spells.

" You see," Dumbledore said, " Years ago, not too many, a little girl wrapped in bright lavender, with eyes of emerald, and gold curls, was born." Kali shifted on her feet listening. " She was beautiful, and just looking at her, I already knew how much strength was within her. And then one day, I was given the task to raise her." Kali's eyes widened knowing she was the girl he was talking about.

" And what became my biggest regret, I didn't. I hid her away. For what I thought was for protection. I had sworn to never let her know of this world. I swore to never speak to her again when I left her behind." Dumbledore looked down at Kali.

" But I could never keep those promises. I would end up telling her all about the wizarding world. And even one day bring her here."

" Me," Kali said, stopping him. And Dumbledore nodded. " You see when I brought you here, I knew it wasn't safe. But I could bear not having you here. I couldn't imagine taking you from the magic you hold. I even thought you could help with-" Dumbledore stopped suddenly.

" Help with what?" Kali asked and Dumbledore's eyes twitched. " You'll know when the time comes." He took a breath looking away from her. " And even with all my efforts to protect you, I failed, '' Kali shook her head.

" You didn't fail me, grandpa, I'm still here," Dumbledore said nothing. " You never failed me," She said again.

" I did, Kali. And you'll find out soon."

She was lost in his words. And wondered what they even ment. But she had no time to think about them before he spoke again.

" I have always wanted to watch you grow." He smiled. " Even to have children of your own." Kali smiled thinking of her own kids running around these halls. Bright platinum blondes with bright green eyes. Who would maybe be named after a constellation.

" Maybe one day" Kali laughed and Dumbledore remained silent but gave a sad nod.

" One day you'll understand the importance of life. And for everyone around you. You'll be faced with the most difficult decision."

" But I'll have you to guide me," Kali said with a grin as they walked near the Hufflepuff common room entrance.

" I will always be near, but maybe not a guide. But listen carefully, Kali." Dumbledore stopped them and looked down at her green eyes. The memory flashed inside his head of the first time he saw them. And that lavender wrapped for warmth. Which now had a torn-off piece that was always tied in her golden hair.

" When the decision comes I'll be there. And so will your mother and father. When the decision comes, never forget the strength you hold" Kali only stared at him. Lost in this decision he was talking about. Confused on why he was to mention her father.

" Now off to bed" Dumbledore gestured to the door. " Oh I was actually going to go back to-"

" You'll see him in the morning, you need to rest. '' She could already see he was not taking no for an answer. She nodded slowly and walked off into the common room. And followed the stairs to her dorm.

When she walked in she caught sight of her Hufflepuff friend pacing back and forth biting down on her nails.

" Oh thank goodness," Julie said, rushing over and engulfing Kali in a hug. " I heard Harry nearly killed a student but didn't know who. And when I went to find you, I couldn't" The girl said trying to catch her breath.

" It was Draco, I was there," Kali said when Juls pulled away. Shock traced her face. " What? He almost killed Draco, Why?" Oh, how bad Kali wanted to spill the words out. Let them pour from her mouth. But she couldn't. Not with Draco and her only family she had left at risk.

" It's nothing, don't worry about it. He's fine" Juls didn't believe a word she said. " I don't think nearly killing someone is a no big deal Tiny"

" Juls please I'm asking you just this once, don't get involved in this. I love you and I don't want you knowing anything about all that." Julie frowned and watched Kali's expression.

" Fine, whatever you say tiny. Good thing the ferret boy didn't die though." They both laughed gently and Kali hugged Julie a bit tighter again.

" Oh I made you a new dress," Julie said, spinning around and clapping excitedly. Kali watched as she bounced across the room to her bed. Picking up a very elegant light blue dress. Gentle deeper blue roses covered the top. Kali's mouth gaped looking at it.

" You never fail to amaze me," Kali laughed, walking over to admire Julie's work closer. " It's not much" Julie flipped her black hair over her shoulder.

" Not much! It's beautiful. I would die in this dress." Kali jokes. " Oh please if you died, you would not be doing it in this dress. I would make you the most extravagant dress." Kali rolled her eyes. " Just back it lavender" was the only thing Kali said before walking over to her bed.

" What am I going to even wear that dress too?" Kali asked. Juls shifted on her feet looking around the room. " Well don't tell him I said this but Malfoy asked." Kali sat on her bed looking at the other girl confused.

" Draco asked you for that dress?"

" No no, Draco asked me to make you a dress. Something new and formal but had to be lavender. Only I was out of lavender so I said blue would do. He said he had plans, well that was before he almost died."

Kali nodded slowly thinking of whatever Draco could have plans for. Or did. What was he planning?

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