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Important Note!  Writing is going to be looking a little different since there is going to be ALOT of flashbacks for the rest of the book. Just wanted to note this so no one gets confused. <3

Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Soon it will be over, and buried with our past

We used to play outside when we were young 

And full of life and full of love


Kali's eyes looked all around the room that once was hers. Her eyes looked at the many books that were on the bookshelf. Some of the selves slopped in because it was so weighed down by the books. 

The creeky bed frame from jumping on it so many times with Lexi. Or the light white door that had a circle dent in it from Lexi running straight into the door. Kali chuckled to herself remembering the morning. It had been Christmas and Lexi was so excited she completely forgot to open the door before running in. And with that, they spent that entire Christmas morning in the ER with Lexi, who would be getting a few stitches. 

She glanced over to the closet and saw now that it was completely empty but remembered the times when she would come back from Hogwarts and Lexi would droll over the amazing dresses Julie had made her. 

Her eyes glanced at her nightstand. A gold necklace with a little badger on it. And a silver charm bracelet rests there. She walked over shaking her head, she had almost forgotten them.

She felt tears burning to attach the bracelet back on, the memory of Dumbledore doing it for her when he got it. And then reaching behind her and clipping the necklace on. It fell to her chest.

And instantly the memory of it first doing that. Christmas night, the fourth year. Draco standing behind her. The necklace was so beautiful, a bright gold. Now the gold was chipping off from wear. But it didn't matter, to her, it was still just as beautiful, if not more.

One last look she thought. Maybe it was to make sure she wasn't missing anything else. But deep down she knew it wasn't for that reason. She would never get to walk in here again. So the one last look was more of a goodbye.

She walked out shutting the door behind her. And walked over to the stairs. Before she walked down them she took a deep breath. And then glanced over. The bright white door, pictures of Lexi and Kali as kids glittered the door.

A tear ran down her cheek now, yet a smile could be found on her lips. She walked over grabbed the handle and slowly opened it. And like so many times before the girl inside would jump around with the biggest and brightest smile on her lips.

" Heyyyy my favorite witch, are you getting ready to leave?" Kali stared at Lexi for a moment too long. And without saying anything she rushed over pulling her in for the tightest hug they'd shared. Lexi instantly responded.


" Don't worry about it" the young girl chuckled. " I'm so sorry" a small child whispered to the other. The little girl reached into her hair to fiddle with the lavender bow. " Kali it's just a little paint"

" But Lexi I ruined your dress for your tenth birthday." Kali cried into her hands. Lexi laughed gently and rolled her eyes a little. " Listen, Kali, it's just a dress, besides I could never hate you." Kali looked up from her hands.

" Nevers a really long time." Kali mumbled "That's the point" Lexi smiled pulling the girl into her for a tight hug. . .


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