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A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope

A drop in the ocean 

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my 



Kali laid there in the middle of the floor staring up at the ceiling. She felt empty. She thought it was funny really. They weren't even together but he broke her heart, shattered it really. Without even trying. She skipped class. She just laid there. She didn't eat. She just laid there. She didn't move. She just laid there.

Kali ignored anyone who tried to speak to her. Harry, Ron, Julie, Hermione, Fred, and George. Everyone. It was killing Julie that she knew what was wrong and she couldn't do anything about it.

Draco noticed that she didn't show up to her class. It was day three and he couldn't take it anymore. He hadn't heard from her once, and he needed to see her. And when he reached her door he knocked on it lightly and called out for her. " Kali? Darling are you alright?"

Julie, who sat with the broken girl's head in her lap stroking her hair, looked down at Kali. She didn't move once again. " kali he is here, do you want to speak to him?" Julie asked in a gentle voice but Kali remained quiet. " Tiny please just answer me." And for the first time in three days, Kali spoke. " Make him leave,"  with a raspy voice. Julie nodded standing up and walking to the door.

She opened it seeing a worried Draco there. " Hey is Kali-" His voice stopped when he looked past Julie seeing the small girl laying on the floor. He went to walk around Julie but she blocked him. " No, you can't come in, leave Malfoy." He glared down at the girl standing in his way. 

" Move out of my way Langer" The Hufflepuff stood taller challenging the Slytherin. " I said to leave" She hissed in a lower voice. " I need to see her," He said, slightly breaking himself. " Is she ill?" He asked worriedly. " Yes, now leave, she wants to be alone." Draco looked confused at the girl. " If she wanted to be alone then why are you here" Julie glared at him before shutting the door in his face.

" Hey Tiny I know it hurts but you have to get up," Julie said sitting beside the tiny girl again. " I'm here, Kali every step, but please don't let this destroy you. You want to hurt then hurt, you want to cry, then cry. But you don't get to push us out. Now get the hell up, '' Julie said, raising her voice. Julie had no hope the girl would get up or speak again, not for a while. But then Kali slowly sat up and looked over. " I need to shower first" Julie blinked at her and then nodded. " Come on Tiny it's time to come back to reality. We need Kali Valerian"


Kali walked with a smile plastered on her face. It was far from real but she realized her friends needed her. She walked into the great hall and all eyes turned to her. Waving at everyone who yelled hey or hello to her. Sitting down at the Gryffindor table smiling at her friends. " Hello," She said looking at all of them.

" Kali? Are you okay?" Hermione asked and Kali heard her hands up nodding. " I'm fine thank you, I just missed home, I'm sorry to have worried you all." Hermione frowned. Home? Kali never called her house where she lived, in fact, she always said she never had a home. So why would she have missed it?

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz