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In Too Deep - Why Don't We

I'm in too deep

Can't touch the bottom with my feet

Don't know what you did to me, I can't breathe but I'm living

I'm in too deep


Deep green eyes scanned over a book. Chewing on a lust pink lip until Kali saw Harry walking into the library, She stood up walking over to him.

" Hey Harry, figured out the first task yet. "

" Why are you talking to me?" she flinched hearing the tone of his voice. " Why wouldn't I be, you're my friend," Kali said almost questionably while shifting uncomfortably as everyone around looked over at them now.

" Really because yesterday you ran away chasing after Malfoy" She blanked at him not knowing what to say. " I wanted to make sure he was okay" Harry laughed with a disgusted look speared on his face.

" Why would you care?" Kali frowned at him " He was embarrassed in front of a large crowd Harry, people were laughing, including you. I don't care who you are, but embarrassment can tear you apart from the inside. I was just making sure he was fine. You may not care about others but I do. So don't you dare judge me for it, or you'll find yourself one less friend, again."

Kali spun around angrily but Harry caught her hand. " I'm sorry I know you are a kind person but he just doesn't deserve it, especially not from you." the girl released a breath that she was holding in calming herself. " It's okay just don't expect me to not care about everyone you tell me not to." He nodded and opened his arms to her. " Friends again" Kali laughed and walked into his arms.  " Of course"


" Dragons!" Kali screamed fiddling with the lavender bow in her gold hair but Harry put a hand over her mouth. She pulled it away. "Are you sure Harry?"

" Very, Hadrig showed me them last night" Kali sighed and shook her head. " Harry this is far too dangerous, you'll end up getting yourself killed, you can't possibly do this." Kali paced in front of him running her hands through her hair in frustration. Harry grabbed the girl's arm pulling her back over to him.

" I don't have a choice, I have to do this." Kali looked at him worriedly but agreed, there was no backing out, not now. " We have to get to class" Harry nodded and both started walking. " How is everything with Ron" Kali heard Harry scoff at the mention of the red head's name.

" He's using Hermione as his personal messenger, how childish"

"I'm sure everything will work out eventually just give him a little time, he is just as confused as we are'' Harry didn't say anything back. Kali still fumbling with the bow in her hair

thye walked into Professor Moody's room. Kali saw Draco sitting with Pansy. The girl had never spoken to Pansy but had heard Harry speak about her. Draco looked up from his conversation with her and glanced at the girl standing in the doorway. He stared far too long and he cursed at himself for doing so. But the girls glowing eyes were so capturing to him. Kali gave him a smile and he returned with a glare. He could see the slight ping of sadness growing on her face. Kali shook it off and took her seat with Harry.


" I can't do anything right" Kali sighed walking out of class. Moody tried teaching them different spells and still, she had yet to perform one, correctly. " You'll get it eventually," Harry said, patting her small shoulder.

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