Fallen Star

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Wait - M83

" Come on just a little further"

" But dad-" The boy with platinum blonde hair whined. And his father laughed.

" Come on Scorpius, you're almost there." Finally, Draco reached the top. He unfolded the blanket in his hands, placing it against the soft grass. Scorpius finally reached the top and instantly dropped on the blanket. " That was miserable" He whined again. Draco laughed at his son.

" It wasn't that bad"

" You can tell that to mom who I'm pretty sure is still at the bottom of the hill." Draco chuckled and sat beside his son. " What's the big deal about this anyway." Scorpius hissed sitting up. But his eyes widened.

Stars glittered in the sky. He had never seen so many. And he had stared at the night sky many times before. But up here, it was almost like there was somehow more. And he couldn't stop staring. Scorpius frowned.

" Dad?" Draco hummed in response looking at the bright stars. " What if I don't get into Slytherin?" Scorpius asked slightly afraid. And Draco thought for a moment.

" Then you don't get in"

" But I thought Malfoy's are supposed to be-"

" Malfoy's have always been, but that doesn't mean we have to be." Draco looked to his son and smiled. " Listen closely." Scorpius turned his entire attention to his dad.

" I knew a Ravenclaw girl once and she was full of knowledge that some didn't even know what she was talking about." He paused to laugh. " But she was always near to help when needed handing out all her intelligence to others." Scorpius nodded listening. " Now Gryffindor" Draco scoffed and Scorpius laughed. " I knew quite a few. One was the smartest person I know till this day. Another never failed to be there for his friends no matter what the threat was. And the last one, well he was the strongest person I know. "

" Do you mean uncle Harry" Draco nodded to his son with a wide smile. " Yes, I do. And uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione" Scorpius's smile grew even wider. Draco paused remembering the last house.

" Hufflepuff, well, I knew someone incredible." Draco touched a wore down silver ring. One that always used to be engraved in but the word was now gone due to everyday wear. Similar to the girl who once wore the matching one " She was all the houses combined. Incredibly smart. A leader for so many people. She stood up for others even when most wouldn't. But most importantly she was the most loyal and kind person you could ever meet. Putting all before herself. Even if it cost her life. Because to her, she loves others with her entire being. She was the most powerful witch I knew. And I'm not just talking about the magic she had"

Scorpius gasped thinking about his dad's words. " OooOo, can I meet her dad?" Draco laughed and shook his head. " Sure you can." he turned his head up to the sky full of the brightest stars. " Just look up son, she's in the stars." Scorpius frowned and looked up to the stars watching them closely. And in the boy's small hands was an old black teddy bear, with a horrible green snake stitched into it.

And then his eyes watched as a star shoot through the sky. Brighter than the others. Scorpius shot his hand up pointing to where it was once. " Dad, Dad! Did you see that, Well did you!" Draco nodded with a large grin. " The star, dad it was flying!" Draco chuckled and shook his head at his son.

" No Scorpius it wasn't flying."

" What did we miss?" Astoria spoke trying to catch her breath. And Plopping down on the blanket. " Mom I saw a flying star!" Draco called Scorpius over to have him sit near. To the side of Astoria were Hermione and Ron. Ron smiled looking up at the stars, holding the hand of his two kids. He could feel it too. Hermione laughed as the kid's mouths dropped open at the beauty in the sky. Draco watched as she set down the basket full of snacks. And while Hermione placed it, she placed a book that Draco read from some many times before. And of course a beautiful lavender ring on a chain around her neck.

" I brought drinks," Harry spoke finally making it to the top. " Wasn't sure if you would make it. Draco smiled at him, Harry sat down beside the blonde man and his kid. Scorpius reached over to hug Harry. " We wouldn't miss it." Ginny gently said taking a seat beside Harry. On Ginny's wrists was a simple charm bracelet. Harry reached into the bag he brought, pulling out an all too familiar journal and placing it in front of them.

" All I'm saying is" a girl with black hair and maybe a few grey ones in there too now. " Is I'm getting too old for this walk."

" Juls!" all the kids rushed to her and tackled her into a hug. She laughed and happily hugged the kids back. " Oh come on Juls we aren't that old yet." George chuckled walking up behind her still out of breath from the climb. He set down an old radio that still played music somehow. And while he set it down a song started playing. (Photograph - Ed Sheeran)

" Your beard says otherwise George" she teased and took a seat beside Hermione. She looked up and surprisingly the girl went silent for once because she was at peace. The stars were so comforting. She reached up and touched a badger necklace that was no longer the gold color it used to be. All the paint on it chipped off by now, but it still held the same memories.

" Rose come here your bow is falling out," Hermione said to her daughter who ran back over to her. Hermione touched the somehow not faded lavender bow, tightening it in the girl's red hair. Draco smiled and took a breath in. Ron had now reached into his pocket pulling out an old wand, a rose carved into the top of the handle. He set it down on the blanket beside the journal and book. " Well looks like we are all here," Harry spoke standing up and grabbing a container from the basket Hermione and Ron brought.

He opened the lid and inside was a cake. It was decorated with lavender roses along the sides. and on top was in writing. " Happy Birthday Brightest Star"

" Who is the brightest star?" Albus asked his dad. Harry looked at his son and smiled. " Today kids is a very special day. And each year we come here on this day to celebrate the bravest person known. She is the reason we are all able to be together today. " What's her name?" Lilly asked.

" Kali Rose Dumbledore" Juls spoke her voice gentle. " And this year we wanted you all to celebrate with us. Because one day will come when we can't. And when that comes." Draco spoke but paused and looked around at all the kids smiling. " We hope you will celebrate it for us, for her." Draco looked up at the stars and smiled.

" Oh, I almost forgot. Ginny reached into her bag pulling out a stack of pictures

. All the kids rushed over to look at them. They all looked admiring the girl with gold hair. " Hey, that's my bow" Rose giggled touching the fabric in her hair. Draco sat back down and called his son to him. Scorpius sat alongside his father clinging to the teddy bear with that badly stitched snake on it.

" That Star Scorpius, it's not called a flying star." Scorpius looked up frowning at his dad. " What's it called?"

" That Scorpius" Draco looked up with a slight smile and a tear burning to spill over.

But when he saw another star sore threw the sky incredibly bright. He let a breathy chuckle escape him. Draco fiddled with the silver ring on his pinky. Mouthing a simple always to the stars. The music played around the group. Everyone humming along with it. Everyone passed around Pictures of the most beautiful girl. And even though it was a picture, just by looking at her, you could feel her energy radiating off them. You could feel her presence all around, and Draco just knew she was sitting beside them, also grinning at the stars.

" That was a Fallen Star"

Scorpius awed at the stars, and it was like almost after he said that the stars shined even brighter if it was possible. Scorpius looked down to look over at the girl giggling. In her red hair hung a lavender bow. Draco watched his son closely and then nudged his shoulder. " Go dance with her. I'm sure she would love to." Scorpius nodded and walked over to the girl. Rose laughed out but gladly grabbed his hand. and maybe it wasn't exactly dancing, more like running around the hilltop and every now and then he would spin the girl around.

Lavender flowing in her hair. A bright smile on her lips. And Draco sighed looking back up to the stars. He breathed in the fresh air and vanilla and roses filled his scent. " Happy birthday darling." He touched the ring on his finger one last time. And with a quiet voice he said. . .

" Wow this view is absolutely amazing"


The beautiful end. . . 

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now