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Two Ghosts - Harry Styles

We're not who we used to be

We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty

Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat


Kali took a seat beside Harry reopening her book. " You seem tense," Hermione said over the table to her. Kali looked back at her sighing. " Draco is mad at me for some reason" Hermione looked over to Harry. And Kali looked at him. " What?" Harry looked at Kali. " I really think it is best to be a little distance from him" The girl rolled her eyes hearing the same thing again from Harry. " You said this last year Harry and the year before that. What makes you think I'll just listen now? Draco is my, well I don't exactly know but I care about him end of discussion."

Kali began to try and cut the bean in front of her but nothing was working. She looked up seeing everyone else struggling to do theirs too. " How did you do that?" Hermione asked frustrated with Harry. " Crush it, don't cut it," Harry said looking up at Hermione. Kali glanced at the instructions frowning her eyebrows together. " No, the directions say cut it," Hermione said, leaning over slightly annoyed.

They all continued to make the potions but nobody was succeeding besides Harry. Kali's potion ended up blowing up in her face causing her hair to become frizzy and messy. She coughed waving away the smoke that surrounded her. " Yeah, I give up" Kali laughed closing her book.


" How did you do it, Harry?" Hermione asked, shocked Harry actually did it properly. Kali laughed following them out of the class until she felt a cold hand grab hers. She was pushed around the corner of the hall away from everyone else. She looked up seeing Draco pushing her against the wall. Kali pushed him back away from her. " What do you want?" she sighed looking away from him.

" Nice hair" He chuckled leaning forward and moving some of her frizzy hair out of her face. She pushed his hand away glaring at him. " Thanks my potion blew up, what is wrong with you?" Kali scoffed seeing he was acting differently now. " Nothing, what is wrong with you? You are moody" Kali's eyes widen and she shook her head.

" Me? I'm the moody one? You are kidding, right? You were the one who wanted nothing to do with me" He shrugged his shoulders reaching up and cupping the side of her face. Kali leaned away from his touch. " I'm sorry love, just a lot on my mind" the girl shook her head slightly, and reached up grabbing his hand in hers.

" What? Talk to me, tell me what is going on" Kali looked up at him pleadingly. His eyes scanned over her face and he sighed. " Don't worry about it darling, I'm fine" But she knew he was lying. Something just seemed off. But she didn't want to push him anymore, not right now at least.

" Okay but you know I am always here for you Draco" He smiled leaning down and his lips touched hers lightly. She instantly became hungry for more. Kali reached up wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her. He let out a breathy chuckle against the girls lush lips. " eager are we love" Kali laughed stepping away from him. " I have to go, I need to see Dumbledore" Kali went to walk away but she heard him groan. He grabbed her arm pulling her back into him. " No don't leave me" His arms wrapped around her waist and the girl laughed pushing away from him.

" I'll see you after quidditch trials yeah?" He smiled nodding. " You'll be cheering for me" He smirked and Kali shook her head. " Nope, actually I'll be cheering for myself." He scrunched his face at her. " What?" she smirked rocking back and forth on her feet. " I am trying out for the Hufflepuff team, I'm going to try and become a seeker" He smirked, stepping forward to the girl below him. " A seeker? Like me" Kali nodded proudly. " Well, I did learn from the best."

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon