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Paper Houses - Niall Horan

In this house of broken hearts

We made our love out of stacks of cards

And yes, we tried to hold on tight

'Cause we knew our love was hard to find

And our paper houses reach the stars

'Til we break and scatter worlds apart.


Kali walked back to her seat slightly flustered and confused about what just happened. She sat down smiling now seeing Julie sitting there. "Hey Tiny where were you and why are you all red" Julie said leaning over and squeezing her cheeks. Kali slapped Julie's hand away feeling the train come to a stop.

" Never mind that where is Harry?" Kali questioned looking around. " He's probably already on the platform. " Ron said, throwing his bag over his shoulder. Hermione nodded looking slightly worried.

They all walked off heading toward the castle.

Kali's eye's scanned around worried as they sat in the great hall. Hermione doing the same. Ron just eating away. " Will you stop eating?" Hermione scoffed annoyed, slapping him over and over again with a book. Ron shrugged. " Your best friend is missing," Kali hissed worriedly.

"Turn around you lunatics," Ron said looking past Hermione. Kali spun around smiling with relief seeing him walking toward them. But it instantly dropped when she saw his face. " He's covered in blood," Kali frowned quietly. " Why is he always covered in blood?" Ginny spoke up from beside her. Harry took the seat beside the Hufflepuff girl looking across all his friends. " Looks like it's his own this time" Ron huffed.

" Where have you been?" Hermione said leaning across the table. " And what happened to your face?" the girl sighed lifting her hand and grabbing his chin so he would turn and look at her. He shrugged Kali's hand away looking back down. " Later, what have I missed."

The girl felt a ping of sadness grow across her. She glanced over at the boy who was always be looking back. Only he wasn't this time. He sat pale looking only down and away from her. She blinked a few times trying to read what he was feeling. He was silent beside his friends. Draco was never silent she thought. Only now he seemed speechless and it wasn't because of the breathtaking girl. 

Dumbledore starts to speak and begins to introduce Slughorn. Kali sighed resting her head on the table. " As you know each and every one of you was such upon your arrival here at Hogwarts. And you have to right to know why"

A chill fell through her once he started talking about Tom Riddle. She looked over at Harry who also looked uneasy. He leaned over slightly rubbing her back for comfort, but it did the exact opposite.

" Now off to bed," Dumbledore said and Kali sighed standing up. Saying goodnight to the others before walking off. She began to walk over to Draco. Who was still sitting looking sad at the table. It wasn't until she saw him in this lighting something looked off about him. He looked thinner, taller now, but even paler. He almost looked ill. She walked over taking a seat beside him.

" Hey, are you feeling alright," Kali said lifting her hand to feel his forehead. He backed away from her touch and she frowned. " I'm fine" He scoffed standing up. Kali stood up following him. " Are you sure you look a littl-"

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin