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Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor 

Don't Go

You're half of me now 


Kali and Harry pushed through the crowd of people. Some hope was tingling in Kali. Maybe the spell wouldn't affect him, just like Harry. Maybe Dumbledore was just injured by the fall. Call it denial, but she clung to it.

But the crowd was dead silent, all staring at the same thing. Kali felt a hand placed on her shoulder. McGonagall, giving her a sad look. But Kali shoved away, needing to see with her own eyes. Harry stopped when he saw. But Kali pushed forward, and finally, her eyes met the lifeless body.

Silent painful cries left her lips. She placed a hand over her mouth and she stumbled over to Dumbledore. Her legs gave out and she dropped beside him. She leaned done kissing his forehead lightly. Tears splash down. " We can fix this" She cried looking back around at the entire school. Sad eyes watching her.

McGonagall rushed over to her. " You can bring him back. We have to bring him back!" Her cries were ugly and painful. " He's my only family, we have to- we can't just-" But her words were gone. Just like him. She felt empty.

Harry walked over to Kali, kneeling beside her. Placing his hand atop hers that rested on Dumbledore's chest. Kali looked up seeing the same pain filled in Harry's eyes. He nodded to her. Almost like telling her it was time to let go. She quickly wrapped her arms around Harry. And he held her as close as possible.

McGonagall from behind them, lifting her wand to the sky. Every wizard and witch in the crowd followed her move. As they all felt the pain of Dumbledore's death. Everyone was silent, and the only thing heard was Kali and Harry's weak cries.

Her tears were not only for the dead tonight but for the possibility of more. And she vowed there and then, clinging on to Harry, she would give her life for another. Because she couldn't lose anyone else. She would let herself die no matter what promises she had pastly made.


Kali sat in the chair. One that once belonged to Dumbledore. Her eyes wandered his office. Her hands held his wand. Memories of holding it once when she was just a child. Listening to Dumbledore tell her how one day she would have one just like his. But now holding it, it wasn't the same. The room used to feel like comfort. Maybe almost home. But she never had a home, but this office was close.

But now, nothing. The only emotion behind it was that feeling of almost home. A place that could have been her home. A person's memory of her almost home. Pain. that was all she felt. The one person she wanted to run to, was no longer here. And his safety was unclear.

Harry stood with her in the office. Walking around and looking too. Kali couldn't help but wonder if he thought of this place as almost home too. They were both silent. What was there to even say?

" Valerian, Potter" They both looked over to the door. Seeing McGonagall walking in. " In light of what happened." McGonagall's eyes drifted between the two. " If either of you should ever need to talk to someone . . ." But Harry wasn't going to listen. He pushed past McGonagall. Needing to hear no more of it. " You should know, Professor Dumbledore. . . you meant a great deal to him." Harry paused looking back at her. But Harry couldn't speak. Kali stood walking to Harry.

Leaving the wand laying on his desk. " And You" McGonagall spoke stopping Kali. " He cared for you very much." Kali wanted to say thank you. But she knew if she spoke she would break down. And would never be able to get the words out. So she nodded to McGonagall and followed Harry out of their ' Almost home '


" Do you think he would've done it?" Hermione questioned Harry. " Draco?" Kali glared at Hermione. " He would have never" Kali hissed. Ron placed a hand on Kali's knee. She let out a huff and leaned into him.

" She's right," Harry said turning around. Kali was shocked he agreed with her on something related to Draco. " he was lowering his wand."

" In the end it was Snape," Kali said her voice cracking just a little. " it was always Snape," Harry added. " And I did nothing." Harry seemed disappointed in himself. " You did what he asked Harry," Kali said hoping to relieve him of his guilt. Harry placed the necklace that was in his hand to Hermione.

" it's fake." Kali's heart dropped as she stood walking over to them. " Open it" Harry ordered and Hermione followed. Reading out the note inside left by someone whose initials were. R.A.B

None of them knew who it could be. " Ron's okay with it," Hermione said hoping to change the topic. " You and Ginny. But if I were you, when he's around I'd keep the snogging to a minimum." Kali laughed lightly and Hermione's attempt to make him feel better. Harry watched her every move.

" I'm not coming back Hermione," Harry said finally looking away from the Hufflepuff girl. " I've got to finish whatever Dumbledore started. And I don't know where that'll lead me. But I'll let you all know where I am when I can."

" I've always admired your courage, Harry." Hermione huffed out looking over the ledge. The sun warming their skin. " But sometimes you can be really thick." Harry looked over to Hermione confused.

" You don't think you'll be able to find all those Horcruxes by yourself, do you?" Kali already knew where Hermione was going with this. " You need us, Harry" Hermione finished and Harry looked around at all of them. All his close friends, standing beside him. Ready to fight with them. His eyes got stuck on Kali, a weird feeling playing inside him again.

" I never realized how beautiful this place was," Harry spoke. Kali nodded as the memories flooded in her brain of all the moments she shared here with Draco.

" So together?" Kali said and Ron walked over to join them. " Is there any other way?" Hermione chuckled lightly. The four of them going against the Dark Lord. Fighting to find the Horcruxes.

" I can't promise that it'll be safe," Harry said looking at his three friends. " Whenever have we all done something together that was safe." Kali joked and the four laughed together. All of them clung to this moment because nothing would be the same after this.

" We are doing this together." Kali reached down and grabbed Harry's hand, he looked down at her. " Because we are better together." Her eyes wandered to Ron and Hermione. Hermione nodded grabbing Harry's other hand. " Because we are a family." And with the last few words from Kali, Ron linked his hands with one of Hermione and the other with Kali.

" Together," Ron said with a nod. The four of them looked between each other. Knowing that in these last few moments, they would no longer be the same. They might never return to Hogwarts. They might lose each other. Someone could die. And they all knew the consequences. But together, they were strong. So whatever happens they would do it together.

No matter the pain that would follow.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora