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Let Me Love The Lonely - James Arthur

Let me love the lonely out of you

Let me love the pain you're going through

I think I'll save myself by saving you


Kali was frustrated with Harry. He wasn't listening to her. He was being driven by hatred for Draco; he wasn't even realizing what he was saying to the girl.

She walked into the room shrugging off her bag. " Kali!" She looked up and over at her bed confused. " Draco?" She questioned and he ran over lifting her into his arms. She laughed slightly but hugged him back confused. " What's wrong Draco?'' she asked once he put her down. She frowned seeing his eyes were all red.

" You're okay?" He questioned completely avoiding her question. " Well I guess, but why are you in my room?" He took a step away from the girl clearing his throat. " The girl who was-"

" Oh Katie, she will be okay Draco, don't worry about it" He nodded looking down at her. " I heard you found her, and I thought you might have touched-"

" That's why you were worried?" She chuckled under her breath and he just nodded. She stepped forward and on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. " I'm okay Draco '' He let out a sigh of relief pulling the girl back into him.

Kali felt slightly confused. She started thinking about what Harry had been saying. She wasn't going to ask him about any of it. But something was pushing her to now.

" Draco?" He hummed pulling away. " Why were you at the three broomsticks?" She asked fastly, not even sure if he caught any of it. He blinked looking down at the girl. " Why are you asking me this?" He asked suddenly starting to become cold. " I was just wondering," Kali said looking up, but his face was unreadable.

" Having a butterbeer, why else would I be there?" He snapped flatly and Kali smiled at him. " Oh okay. Sorry everyone is just, I don't know, Harry had been saying-"

" Potter? What is he saying?" Draco asked, cutting off the girl. She took a deep breath in. " Well, he just thinks you had something to do with it" Draco looked angry and Kali felt nervous. " And you think that as well then," He hissed, sticking his hands in his pockets now. " What? No-"

" You wouldn't have asked if you didn't" Draco went to turn around and walk out the door but Kali grabbed his arm. " I asked because you practically ran off when you saw me" Draco looked back down at the girl. " I didn't feel like being there any longer"

" Okay, I get that. But not even hey, maybe even a wave to your girlfriend" Kali didn't even realize what she had just said. But Draco heard it and ripped his arm out of her hands. " Girlfriend?" Kali gulped blinking at him not knowing what to say. " Listen carefully Kali'' He lowered his face to hers. " I would never date someone like you" Kali felt her heart practically being stabbed. " I'm a pureblood, Kali, you are a half-blood. I would never look at you like that" Kali stepped away from him. The feeling of tears about to spill over was becoming overwhelming.

" Please leave," Kali spoke quietly looking away from him. When Draco saw the pain filling inside the girl he instantly regretted what he had just said. " Kali I-"

" Get out Malfoy," Kali said coldly. Draco said nothing else but walked out leaving her behind.

She laid down on the bed pulling the Slytherin robe that was around her closer. Even though he said such hurtful things Kali couldn't remove the feeling she had for him. But Harry was right, he didn't care. And Kali was starting to feel delusional.

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