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You Say - Lauren Daigle

Remind me once again just who I am 

Because I need to know

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing

You say I am strong when I think I am weak


Kali missed him and craved for him. She waited patiently for everyone to return to the Great Hall. It made her feel uneasy that she couldn't just run up and kiss him. She knew Harry would become mad. And everyone would probably not trust her anymore. But then she saw the blonde laughing and walking into the room she didn't care anymore.

She pushed people to the side and ran to him. She completely caught him off guard jumping onto him he collapsed back landing on the ground.

" Damn Hufflepuff is kinda strong," Crabbe said looking at them on the ground. Draco didn't even know who tackled him, but when he got a rush of air that smelled of Vanilla and roses, he instantly wrapped his arms around her. He buried his head in her hair. " Hey my love," He whispered lightly, kissing her ear. She smiled squeezing him tighter.

He stood up and placed the girl on the ground. She turned and smiled at Crabbe and gave him a small hug. Draco scrunched his nose, he didn't care if they were just friends he didn't want anyone else touching her.

" Come on Kali," He said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the Great Hall. " Draco where are we going?" She laughed as Draco started to run keeping his hand in hers.

" It snowed love, so we are going outside" Kali smiled and started to run with him.

She ran beside him laughing. She stuck her foot out in front of him and he tripped over it. He landed on the ground and the girl burst out giggling. " You think this is funny" He laughed listening to her giggles. Kali nodded her head trying to catch her breath.

" We'll see about that," Draco said, jumping up to grab the small girl. But she stopped laughing and ran down the hall as fast as possible. " Valerian" He yelled out and she laughed looking behind her, still seeing him hot on her heels

" Malfoy'' She yelled back. She tripped over her feet falling down. " now look who's on the ground" Draco laughed looking at the small girl. But she wasn't about to let him win. She pulled her knees to her chest beginning to fake cry. Draco instantly kneels down beside her, turning into his soft self.

" Baby, let me see. Did you hurt yourself?" The girl bit her lip trying not to laugh at him right now. She just nodded responding to him. " Let me see'' Her heart melted hearing him so concerned. He tried to pull her arms away from her face but she batted him away.

" I can't do anything if you don't let me see it, love, please just-" He stopped listening closely. " Are you laughing?" And then she knew her cover was blown and burst out into laughter. He stood up walking away from her. " Heyyy don't leave me" He turned back sending her a playful glare.

" You're annoying," He said walking back over, holding a hand out to her, and helping her up. " You're adorable," She said now on her feet, and stepped up to kiss his cheek. " Beat you outside" She whispered in his ear and pushed him back.

He watched the small girl run off down the hall. Her golden hair flowed behind her. Her lavender bow hanging in her hair almost falling out. Draco smiled thinking to himself, he got the girl.

She ran outside and looked up seeing it snowing. Draco ran out behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He spun her around laughing. When he placed her down he looked at her snowflake covered hair, making her look so innocent he loved it. Some snowflakes fell into her long eyelashes and she tried to blink them away.

" You're incredible, you know that?" He whispered cupping the side of her face. She shrugged " I've been told a few times" He smiled looking at the girl below him, something clicked.

Kali pushed his chest and he stumbled back. He landed in the soft snow. She was laughing and he glared up at her. " Help me up," He said, holding out his hand she nodded, settling down her chuckles. She grabbed his hand and was about to pull him up but he grabbed her hand tightly and pulled her down.

She collapsed in between his legs and he laughed looking up at her. She glared at him. " I still won'' She huffed " Oh really, how so?" She lifts her head feeling powerful. " Look who is on top Draco, me, so I win" He cupped her jaw bone pulling her head to him.

" Trust me, love, this will be the only time you are on the top" She instantly froze, feeling herself fill with butterflies. She gulped looking into those grey eyes that were slightly darker. "What's wrong love? Got nothing to say" She remained still not knowing what to say exactly. She became fluster and jumped to her feet.

" I umm" She cleared her throat. " I have to go do something," He smirked, nodding. " Can I come" She shook her head " No, it's actually with Harry, Ro-"

" The annoying Trio" He cut her off. She scrunches her nose looking at him. " Why do you always say the trio, I'm friends with them, it's not just the trio anymore" He laughed standing up and brushing the snow off himself. " You are so much more than just the Trio love"

" What? '' She murmured confusedly. '' Darling you are Hogwarts princess everyone adores you" The Hufflepuff froze upon hearing the words. She didn't think of herself like that. She was just Kali, nothing special, but everyone else saw her as royalty. She was pure, selfless, loving, beauty.

But the gold-haired girl felt anything but that. She wasn't even sure who she was. She never knew where home was. She always told herself she didn't have one. And as for herself, she was just simple, nothing.

" Kali?" He broke her out of her thoughts she looked at him confused. " Whatever it is that you are doing with them, stop" Kali felt annoyed hearing this. She just sighed.

" Draco, Umbridge is bad news, why can't you see that" He shook his head. " She is just fixing the mess Dumbledore caused." Kali's blood boiled hearing him attack Dumbledore.

" Don't you dare talk down about him, he always puts Hogwarts before everything." He stepped closer to her. " This isn't about Dumbledore Kali, this is about staying out of Potter's trouble." Kali sighed annoyed. " Draco-"

" No love, listen to me, I care okay? So please stay out of it" Kali felt conflicted but slowly started nodding. " Promise?" He questioned and Kali just stood blinking at him.

" Draco I promise you that I will stay out of Harry's trouble, yes" He nodded, holding up his pinky to her. She locked hers with his looking into his eyes.

" Always?"

" Always"


" Expecto patronum" the Hufflepuff yelled seeing a tiny bit of bright blue light erupts from her wand. She sighed watching it disappear. It was no lie everyone knew the girl could hardly do any magic. She could half do spells, and potions never turned out. But with this spell, she couldn't figure out a memory strong enough to create it. Everything failed.

" You'll get it Kali, one of these times" She looked over seeing Harry walking toward her. She smiled nodding to him. " Yeah probably not but thanks for the positivity." They both laughed until they heard pounding. Kali jumped looking over at the wall of mirrors. All the glass fell down shattering.

" Harry, what's happening?" She whispered stepping forward. Harry shook his head confused too. The wall burst a hole in it showing Umbridge standing there with a group of students.

Kali bit her lip when she saw Draco pulling Cho over. Draco's eyes were on Harry, a smirk speared on the Slytherin's face. That was until the small Hufflepuff stepped out from behind Harry and Draco's heart fell. The two's eyes locked on each other. Draco sent her a glare and Kali looked down at her feet.

" Get them" Umbridge hissed.

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