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Say Something - A Great Big World

Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride

You're the one that I love

And I'm saying goodbye


The girl skipped outside excited to see her favorite blonde. Kali saw him frowning looking over the railing. She walked up beside him. Her smile grew wider standing beside him. He could feel her stand beside him now. That warmth surfaced inside him again but was being clouded by anger.

She lightly shoved her elbow into his side smirking at him from the corner of her eyes. But he didn't budge, he didn't even look at her. " Dracooo" She cooed out tapping his shoulder with her finger. " Blondie" She sang out. He turned around walking away from the girl.

" Draco?" Kali said her voice cracking which broke his heart even more. He stuck his hands in his pocket and turned around to look at the small girl. " Valerian'' He huffed. She looked at him confused and she could feel her hands starting to shake.

" Are you okay?" She choked up stepping closer to him, but with every step she took, he took one back. " Draco I'm sorry if I hurt you" She breathed out feeling her heart falling watching him. He shook his head, he was sure he lost her. That she wanted nothing to do with him anymore, but here she was. But the betrayal made him feel stung. She couldn't just show back up whenever she wanted.

" You just stopped," He finally said looking at Kali. He could see the tears swelling inside her eyes, he would have done anything to stop them, but he couldn't bring down his guard again. " I know and I'm sorry, I am terrible at this okay, but I was upset with Harry, and I need a little personal time" He scoffed. " Oh, so you were upset with Potter so you distance yourself from me" She shook her head fighting back the tears as she watched him pulling away once again. " Draco please just listen, I'm sor-"

" You're sorry I heard you the first time Valerian" He hissed at the girl. A single tear slid down her cheek knowing she was losing him again. " Draco, please" She pleaded. " I can't Valerian, I just can't" He shook his head feeling his own eyes swelling with tears. He wasn't just mad at her for ignoring him. In fact, that was the last thing at this point. But in the Great Hall when he looked up seeing The girl with the lavender bow in her curly hair locked lips with the boy with a scar his heart shattered.

It hit him harder every time he saw them together. He couldn't sit around watching them, so he walked out. And he also couldn't sit around acting happy for them, because he wanted nothing more than the girl away from Potter. She looked at him confused yet pleading. " Draco, I promise I won't do that again just listen-"

" No Valerian I can't do it" She shook her head and tears escaped at her motion. " Do what exactly Draco?"

" Us, it's too damn hard" He sighed watching her eyes turn red. She bit down on her lip holding in her sobs. " Why?" She was so confused, about what was so hard for him.

" You and Potter, Kali. I don't understand why him" She blinked at him. " You act like I had more than one choice." she choked out.

 " You did!" He yelled back at her and she jumped back. " You could have said no" Kali was hurt that he was raising his voice at her.

" But I actually wanted to see if we could work, why are you mad at that?" Her voice betrays her and breaks. " I'm not mad Valerian I just can't, it hurts too damn much" She felt her legs becoming weak watching him turn back around and walking away from her.

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