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Light - Sleeping At Last

I will rearrange the stars

Pull 'em down to where you are

 I promise I'll do better

With every heartbeat I have left 

I'll defend your every breath


" We should head inside love" She sighed nodding. She didn't want the night to end. This was only the beginning. And she knew when they walked back through those doors they would be facing battle after battle. " Okay," Draco leaned forward, kissing her forehead. He felt it too, the uneasiness of what they would be facing with the days coming.

He lifted her off the railing and placed her on the ground. " Draco?" She asked softly and he smiled. " Does it bother you when I say it?'' He frowned not understanding what she meant.

" Say what darling?" She brought one hand to her mouth biting on her nails. She instantly became nervous watching him. " When I say I love you" He froze for a moment thinking. He wanted to say it back, but he couldn't because he wasn't sure. He cared for her, yes, but he was scared of love. In fact, he wasn't sure if he had ever felt love before.

But did it bother him when she said it? He watched her biting her nails nervously. He pulled her hand away from her mouth and smiled down at him. " Definitely not, I adore when you say it" Her cheeks flushed red and she went to hide them but he held her hands down.

" You're annoying" She chuckled walking past him. " You're beautiful" She bit down on her lip walking inside. He caught up to her interlocking their hands. " Was that a compliment" He grinned hear her reference something they said all the time last year. " yeah it was, get used to it" She smiled hearing those words.

" Harry is going to kill you," the gold-haired girl said looking up at him. Draco scoffed hearing Potter's name. " Not if I don't kill him first" The girl chuckled slapping his arm. " What does this mean Draco? Like us?" He loved watching her become nervous around him. He let go of her hand, pointed it at her chest, and leaned down looking into her eyes.

" This means" He hissed walking forward and she began to walk backward. " That you" Her breath became rigid. " Are mine" Her back hit the cold stone wall and she gasped. " Do you understand?" She nodded rapidly up to him.

" Umm," The girl took a breath nervously with how close he was. " We should probably go to sleep," He smirked. " You're probably right" The girl ducked below him and jumping over to his side.

" Okay well goodnight then" She went running off and he put his hands back in his pockets. " Not even a goodnight kiss?" He smirked watching her trip over her feet and then spinning around to look at him. She fastly walked over and stood on her tiptoes and pecked his cheek. But the blonde wanted more.

When she turned to walk away he grabbed her wrist spinning her around to him. He slammed his lips on hers, and she responded instantly, moving her lips against his. She pulled away first looking up to him. She leaned up pecking his lips softly before walking away from him again.


Kali opened the door to her dorm and silently walked to her bed in the dark. A lamp clicked on in the corner and the blonde shrieked falling back on the ground.

" Well well well, look who decided to sneak back in '' Julie sat in the chair smirking at the girl. " Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Julie shrugged. " Oh I wasn't sleeping I was waiting for a miss sneaking around to come back." Kali stood up and walked over to her bed.

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