Just the Beginning

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"So it's true James and Lily Potter?"

Dumbledore looked over nodding to McGonagall sadly.

" Which means Rose?"

He once again nodded sadly.

" I'm very sorry Dumbledore"

She spoke very slowly to him.

Dumbledore was happy like everyone else, the Dark Lord was gone. Thanks to the little boy, who was named Harry Potter.

But Dumbledore had suffered a great loss that night too. He lost his only daughter, Rose.

" So the boy will live here?" McGonagall said with a slight frown on her face. Where Dumbledore just nodded.

" Yes, Hagrid is bringing them"

McGonagall sighed before catching on to his words.

" Them?"

" Kali will be with"

McGonagall looked at him with wide eyes shaking her head.

" But she is your granddaughter won't you take care of her. You can't possibly leave her here."

" I'm not leaving her here, I have already found a person to care for her."

" But why aren't you caring for her?" McGonagall cared for the small girl and couldn't imagine not seeing her anymore, for a while at least.

" It's for the best. When the time is right she may return to us"

" Time is right? You mean when she is eleven so she can attend Hogwarts" But when she looked over to Dumbledore watching him sigh she already had her answer.

" Dumbledore when do you plan on bringing her back?"

" I wasn't planning on it" And sadness flooded inside McGonagall.

" You don't want her to know about any of this?" Dumbledore shook his head.

" I feel it is best to keep her away from the Wizarding World"

" You can't strip that from her. She is family Dumbledore."

They both looked up seeing Hagrid appearing and starting to walk to him. McGonagall walked near taking the small girl in her arms. She looked across the lavender blanket wrapped around the baby, who was sleeping peacefully.

The group chatter for a bit, gazing at the small boy who would now have a permanent scar on his forehead.

" Alright we better get this over with," Dumbledore said walking over to take Harry into his arms.

" Can I say goodbye to them?" Hadrig asked, and McGonagall sighed placing the small baby girl back in his arms.

Hadrig smiled down at the two babies sadly. Leaving a kiss on both their head, before letting out a cry.

Which McGonagal hushed him for but could also feel his pain herself.

Dumbledore took the small boy placing him on the deck of the Dursley's saying his temporary goodbye to the boy.

" Goodnight Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall," Hadrig said sadly wiping the stream of tears from his cheeks and taking his leave.

Dumbledore said his goodbye to McGonagall as well. McGonagall hesitated on handing over the small girl. But knew it was best to just say goodbye.

" She would have been powerful, am I right?" McGonagall said softly.

" She would have been the most powerful witch to ever exist"

" Why hide her then?"

" If he comes back, she will be targeted, McGonagall. This is for the best."

" Indeed." McGonagall released a heavy sigh knowing it was for the best. " We must hide her no one can know about her living"

Dumbledore looked at her surprised to hear her agreement.

" Agree"

Dumbledore took the baby wrapped in lavender leaving. Disappearing and reappearing on another street. Far from Harry. And walked near the house, this girl would grow up in.

He looked down before leaving her. Dumbledore watched as the baby fluttered her eyes open. And an adoration of emerald green appeared. Reminding him of his daughter.

He sighed tucking in a small gold curl back inside the blanket.

Dumbledore wanted her to become a secret, keep her away from this world.

But looking at her, he couldn't imagine never seeing her again.

Even if it was for the best.

" Until another time my dear"

He placed the small girl down, feeling the water form in his eyes.

" Goodbye Kali"

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