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Heart like Yours - Willamette Stone

Come close, my dear

You don't have to fear, you don't have to fear


I'll see you soon, I'll see you soon

How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?


He disappears through the doors. What just happened? Kali was finally breaking through his barriers and then suddenly they came building back up. She sighed looking down and slowly walking back inside. Kali walked through the doors and saw Harry walking towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Harry! Wait up" She yelled running over to him. He turned around with a frown across his face. When he looked up and saw the girl with a lavender bow in her hair, almost instantly a smile formed on his lips. " Hey Kali" His voice was almost filled with pain. " Hey, are you doing okay?" He only shrugged.

" I mean everything will be okay it's not like you can actually participate in the tournament" He shook his head looking away from her. " I have to my name was pulled" Her eyes widen " Dumbledor is allowing this! Harry, it is too dangerous. I'll talk to him" Kali was about ready to turn and walk away to Dumbledor's office. Harry grabbed her wrist spinning her back around, she heard him let out a small chuckle. " He doesn't have a choice, I'm sure if he did I wouldn't be doing it. But I have to." Kali sighed and stared into Harry's eyes. She could see how fearful he was but he was trying to hide it.

Kali jumped and wrapped her arms around him. Harry responded immediately pulling her closer to him. " Just be safe, let me know if there is anything I can do to help." He nodded when they pulled apart. " I should probably get going, I need to talk with Ron and Hermione" She smiled and let go of him. " Good Luck Harry" 

" I'll see you tomorrow Kali," He said with a smirk forming. She turned around making her way to the Hufflepuff common room. She walked through seeing Julie sitting on the couch.

" Hey, tiny" Kali rolled her eyes at the nickname. " I am not that small" she scoffed and Jul's tilted her head. " What are you like 4 '9" Kali abruptly shook her head. " Obviously not! I'm 5 foot even" Julie laughed and gave her a nod. " Right, whatever you say" Kali gave her a glare to which she only laughed harder. " You are far from scary Tiny, that glare is anything but threatening." Kali smiled looking down and accepting defeat. " Okay I'll see you tomorrow, I'm heading to bed"

" Okay goodnight tiny" Kali sighed " goodnight Juls"


Walking into my potions class seeing Harry and the others already sitting next to someone. Kali looked around and saw an empty seat next to a boy. She walked over putting her stuff down and smiling at him. " Hi I'm Kali Valerian, what's your name?"

He turned further away from her. She frowned and tapped his arm to get his attention. He pulled his arm back acting almost like her touch hurt him and abruptly stood up. " Don't touch me you dirty Hufflepuff" Kali scooted her chair away from him, as his eyes burned into her soul. Everyone was looking at them now causing panic to rise inside her. Kali heard some laughter but everything started to become clouded.

 Chest tightens and hands shaking uncontrollably. She stood up and ran out the door only to slam into someone else making her fly down to the ground. She put her hands to her chest feeling the lack of breathing burn.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ