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In My Veins - Andrew Belle

Oh you're in my veins

And I cannot get you out


" The voices can you hear what they are saying?" Harry said looking up at the arch. Hermione looked around confused.  Kali's ears turned up to slight noises too. Hermione glanced all around with worry." There aren't any voices Harry," She said and Kali walked forward following Harry concerned.

" I - I think I can hear someone saying my name," The girl murmured stepping forward. Luna stepped closer to the pair. " I hear them too" Kali glanced at Ron and Hermione who looked between each other. " Harry, it's just an empty archway," Hermione said trying to pull Harry away. Kali could hear her name being whispered from the archway. Harry spun around " get behind me" They all rushed behind him but Kali stood right beside him

All held their wands up ready for whatever would come forth. Death Eaters then swarmed down on them their wands falling from their hands. Harry stood up in a panic looking all around. He saw all his friends being held by a death eater. But something that caught his eye was Kali wasn't with any of them.

" Did you really think you, children, could really defeat us"? Harry turned around and he felt his body run cold. Lucius was approaching him as he held Kali by her arm. His wand pointed at her neck. digging deep into her delicate skin. 

" Give me the Prophecy of you'll watch your friends die. Starting with little Valerian" Lucius snapped glaring at Harry. " Don't do it Harry'' Kali huffed but Lucius dug his wand into her neck more causing her to yelp.

Harry nodded agreeing with him. Lucius pushed Kali to the ground and Harry gave him the prophecy. " No!" Kali yelled standing back up. But something was off and everyone in the room could suddenly sense it.

" Get away from my Godson" Sirius appeared punching Lucius in the face. Suddenly bright lights of white started to dash all around the room. Kali watched as the prophecy rolled out of Lucius's hand. She ran to it picking it up. He stood and grabbed a hold of her arm.

" You got one thing wrong, Malfoy '' She hissed glaring into his eyes. " What's that" he growled squeezing her arm tighter.

" My last name" The small girl smashed the prophecy on the ground and Lucius looked at it concerned. He dropped to the ground looking over the smashed glass now.

" It's Dumbledore"

Kali ran around grabbing her wand off the ground. She watched as the order appeared all around. She ran over to where Harry and Sirius were by a rock. " We have to get out of here" Kali yelled to them as Lucius appeared in front of them.

" Avada kedavra!" The Hufflepuff looked over seeing Bellatrix standing there. She didn't know what was happening until she turned around. She watches as Sirius started fading away. Kali ran over trying to push Harry back. But the girl wasn't strong enough and Lupin came around wrapping his arms around Harry.

A heartbreaking cry escaped Harry, and Kali froze. She felt nearly killed by his cry. Harry watched as Bellatrix chuckled walking away. Harry ripped himself out of Lupin's arms and ran after Bellatrix. " Harry! No!" The small girl followed him.

" I killed Sirius Black'' Bellatrix chanted. Only causing Harry more anger. " Harry stop!" The golden Haired girl yelled, still following him. Kali watched as Harry used a spell to knock her off her feet. Finally, the small girl was able to catch up to them and grabbed Harry's arm. He shoved her off but she kept trying.

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