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Hold Me While You Wait - Lewis Capaldi

I'm waiting up, saving all my precious time

Losing light, I'm missing my same old us

Before we learned our truth too late

Resigned to fate, fading away


When she arrived back she knew everything would be back to normal. She spent most of her time reading away or journaling. And on days when Lexi was home, she would spend her time with her. But that was okay, she only had to be here for the summer. She counted down the days until she would return. Until she could see all her friends. Until she could see him again. The Slytherin Prince. She wrote almost every other day to Hermione. Hermione would tell her all about her adventures and honestly, that is what kept the small girl entertained.

Along with Julie, they talked to each other sometimes even more than once a day.

And as for Harry he hardly wrote to her. She wasn't sure why. But it caused her to feel sad. In fact all summer she maybe received three-letter from him in total. But it was more than somebody else.

Draco Malfoy. He only wrote to her once. If that is what you even call it. He simply wrote I'm good on a card. And that was all. She wrote to him at first, every day. But when she started realizing that he wasn't going to reply she slowly stopped. She thought maybe she was annoying him. Maybe he didn't even care about her anymore. The girl felt crushed by that.

" Kali there is a package here for you" She heard Riley yell up the stairs. She was confused but made her way down. She handed her a small box. " This one is from Dumbledore," Riley said smiling at the girl. Kali opens the box seeing a small charm bracelet placed inside. There was only one charm hanging on it so far, it being Hufflepuff symbols. She pulled out the card opening it. ' Happy Birthday Kali, see you soon' Kali felt a smile creep up on her face. And then she glances down in the box seeing something else.

She pulled out a small picture and saw a woman on it. She watched the picture. The women looked up smiling at it and then laughing. " Mom" She whispered, feeling tears prick her eyes. She looked into the women's eyes and saw her own showing back, that is how she instantly knew who she was looking at.

" And this came too," Riley said, placing a slightly larger box in front of Kali. Kali looked up at Riley confused and she just shrugged pointing to her to open it.

She pulled the box open. Her eyes widen by the bright lavender color shining up at her. She pulled the material out holding it in front of her. It was a Lavender jean jacket. She was so confused about who gave it to her. She scanned over the jacket in awe at its beauty.

She placed it to the side seeing a note at the bottom of the box. She picked up the note.

Kali Rose:

I know I haven't written to you, so hopefully

You don't hate me now. But Happy Birthday

Beautiful. I hope you like the jacket. Since

You never have one I thought I would get

One for you. . I miss you. I'll see you soon



                D. Malfoy

She felt a small tear fall from her eyes realizing just how much she missed him. It was practically painful. Kali picked up the jacket pulling it over her shoulders. " Woah, that is so cute," Riley said, smiling at the girl. She simply nodded. She laughed biting down on her bottom lip when she breathed in the scent on the jacket. Mint and apples.

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