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~ TW: Self-harm: Please skip over if you feel uncomfortable/triggered <3~


Darling - Adam Barnes

Cause I'm just waiting patiently, darling

I'm just singing at the trees and starlings

All I want to do is dance with you darling

Away from all their hands and harming


But I'm so scared of dying

So god damn weak from trying to block it out


She burst through the door hoping he was still in there. But she scanned the room not seeing him anymore. The room was no longer clean. In fact, shattered glass was covered on the ground, things thrown everywhere. She looked over seeing her book was placed on the bed. It was the only thing that didn't look destroyed in the room now.

She turned her head hearing water. She walked over to the bathroom door stopping in front of it. But when she heard a scream, her heart instantly dropped. She grabbed the door handle, jiggling it, realizing it was locked. The cries of screams still filled the room. And the tears formed in Kali's eyes again.

" Open the door Draco '' She said, still pulling on the handle. But the only response she heard was that painful scream. Kali felt herself falling apart, worried about what was going on, just on the other side of the door. " Open the door!" She yelled slamming her small fist on the door.

But when she heard it go silent her heart stopped completely. And the thought of losing him flooded inside. " Draco!" No answer. " Draco open the door!" She continued to bang on the door, but no answer again. " Draco open the door! Open the door!" Silence. She reached into her pocket but realized she didn't have her wand with her.

" Draco! Please I'm here!" She started kicking the door but nothing was working. She looked around the room in a panic. Until her eyes saw his wand across the room. She ran over picking it up. She ran back over holding the wand at the handle.

" Alohomora!" She yelled hearing the door click.

She twisted the handle bursting through the door. She looked over seeing Draco fully clothed sitting in the shower. The water hitting him. While he stared blankly up. She looked down seeing blood mixed with the water flowing down the drain. Her eyes traveled up seeing the dark mark for the first time.

She felt a chill run down her spine when she saw it. But scratches covered it now. Deep scratch marks rested on his skin, they were bright red, but slowly turning purple. Kali shrugged her Hufflepuff robe off and went to reach for Draco. But her hand was met with scorching hot water. " Draco, you'll burn yourself," She said, instantly turning off the burning water.

She moved beside him not even caring about getting wet. All she cared about now was that he was alright, maybe not emotionally but physically he was still here. She sat on her knees and placed her hands on the side of his face. She moved it slowly so he would look at her.

His eyes looked empty and it frightened her. She shook her head letting a few tears escape her eyes. " Draco?" But the emptiness remained and he stayed silent." Blondie?" She reached down grabbing his wrist. Her eyes look across the dark mark. " This doesn't define you" She looked back up at his eyes and he watched her movements. " This isn't who you are, and it will never be. I'm so sorry I walked out" Draco shook his head looking away. " It is who I am now" His now raspy voice spoke.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora