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Give me love - Ed Sheeran

Give me love like never before

'Cause lately I've been craving more

And it's been a while but I still feel the same

Maybe I should let you go


She had stayed outside for a while. No interest in going back inside. The cold had finally started affecting her, so unwillingly she made her way back inside. Walking back to the Great Hall with a frown.

It was completely empty. Her eyes widened not realizing she was outside that long. Kali walked forward in the now empty room admiring for the first time tonight, the beautiful tree. The room is now dimly lit. The main lights were off now and only a few smaller lights placed around were on.

She walked over sitting on the bench in front of the piano. Sighing gazing around the room. Tonight was meant to be fun. Full of laughter and dancing. But unfortunately, the girl found herself alone outside for hours. Chilled in the bitter cold night.

" Look who came back inside, only the ball is over now" Kali looked over her shoulder quickly and saw Draco yet again for tonight. " What are you doing here?" she asked as he walked over to where she was sitting. " I wasn't ready to go to bed yet" Kali nodded. " So was the night fun?" Kali gave him a weak smile. " Not everything I hoped" Draco frowned at her words and then signaled for her to shift over on the bench. Kali moved over slightly and he took a seat beside her. She watched him open the piano, revealing the keys. 

He then began to play the song the pair had danced to earlier tonight out on the bridge. Her mouth fell open slightly as she watched him calmly playing. and hummed slightly to the song " You can play?"

" No" he smirked over at the blonde, to which she shoved his shoulder. " You are really good". His smirk grew more.

" Was that a compliment?" Kali bit the inside of her lip trying to hide the smile that was peeking through. " Don't get used to it" whispering back at him. He let out a long breath and tore his eyes away from the beautiful girl. He stood up and once again held his hand out to her. " Can I have another dance?" she shook her head confused. " What are you doing Malfoy?" He tilted his head to the side. " I recall earlier you said you love to dance, and the night didn't meet your expectation, thanks to Potter." He scoffed the last part and she chuckled at him. " There isn't any music Malfoy" he leaned down looking her in the eyes and pausing far too long. " We don't need music" she sighed shifting her eyes away from him. " I don't know"

" Kali Rose Valerian just take my hand." Her eyes were locked on his. Light grey filled but for the first time, she could see a hint of light blue pouring through. Lifting her shaky hand and lightly placed it in his. He forcefully pulled her up. Draco ran over to the middle of the room, causing Kali to burst out into laughter.

He let go of her hand and did a kneel in front of her. She brought her hands up to cover a smile. The Slytherin took a step closer to her pulling the hands away. " Don't hide it" Kali's cheeks burning red. He linked one of his hands with the gold haired girl and wrapped the other around her waist.

And slowly swayed back and forth. He then linked their hands together and began to lean back and spinning them around. Faster and faster and their laughs lingered together.  The room began to spin and they became dizzier at the second. He let go of her hands and began to silly dance around the girl. She erupted into laughter.

" Come on Valerian let's see your moves" The girl only laughed harder shaking her head and he danced even more. Her chest burns from so much laughter.

Draco looked her in the eyes again. His smile showed, causing small wrinkles to form beside his eyes. The fire feeling fueling her once again. His hand was out to her waiting for hers to join his.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum