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Spaces - One Direction

Who's going to be the first to say goodbye...


Umbridge stood up looking over at him. " Snape, yes, the time has come for an answer whether they want to give them to me or not." Snape looked down at Kali and she could see the worry on his face. 

" Right, did you bring the Veritaserum'' Umbridge huffed to Snape and he glanced around from Kali to the others. " I'm afraid you used up all my stores, interrogating students." Kali silently chuckled to herself listening to Snape. " I can not help you, '' Snape said turning to leave the room.

" He's got Padfoot, he's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden," Harry said and Snape turned to look at him. Umbridge glared at Harry confused.

" Padfoot? Hidden what is he talking about?" Umbridge said to Snape who just looked at Harry. " I have no idea". And then he walked away. " Very well," Umbridge stuttered out turning and looking down at the ground.

" You leave me no choice, Valerian, as this is an issue of Ministry security. You leave me with no alternative." Kali looked over at the others confused and when she looked into those grey eyes, all she could see is fear.

" The Cruciatus curse will loosen your tongue" Kali's green eyes widened. " That's illegal," Hermione said. " What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him," Umbridge said tilting a picture frame down. The gold haired girl gulped becoming fearful of what was to come

Umbridge began to walk toward her holding her wand in Kali's face. Kali looked away looking at Draco. He shook his head, frowning his eyebrows together. Kali felt a single tear run down her face and gave them all a smile hoping they would be okay. she was okay with enduring the awful pain that was coming if the others would be okay.

Umbridge standing before Kali now Draco stepping forward now. " Wait" He snapped and Umbridge didn't bother to look at the boy. Draco glanced at Kali who stared at Umbridge directly in the eyes. " Malfoy I advise you to step back." Umbridge hissed.

" Tell her Harry" Hermione shouted and Kali looked at her confused. Harry doing the same as well. " Tell me what," Umbridge said looking over at Hermione but her wand still pointing at the girl.

" Well if you won't tell her where it is I will'' Hermione said looking at Kali. " Where what is" Umbridge hissed at Hermione. " Dumbledore's secret weapon" Kali scrunch her eyebrows, not understanding. What secret weapon?

" Take me," Umbridge said, now moving away from Kali. Hermione and Harry left with her. Kali looked over at Ron confused.

Once they were gone, everyone was still being held back.  Ginny and Ron nodded to her. Kali knew they were planning something. But she looked over at Draco, she had to get him out of there.

" Draco" He ignored her call. Ron looked at her shaking his head. " Wait," Kali mouthed to him. She wasn't going to let them hurt Draco.

" Draco," Kali spoke again but he still didn't look at her. " Malfoy!" she shouted and he finally glared over at her. The girl tilted her head to the side. He shook his head. "Please," she huffed quietly. He finally walked out the door. Kali sighed and was relieved that she could get him out.

She stood up looked at the others and nodded letting them do it. Kali walked out seeing Draco pacing back and forth. " Draco," she said and he still paced looking furious. " Draco," she said again and he just shook his head.

" Draco!" He finally stopped pacing and looked over at her. " What Kali, what!" he yelled back. Kali sighed walking over to him but he stepped away. " What were you thinking, she was about to- I couldn't- I didn't-" Kali watched his stutter over his words and she shook her head watching him so panicked. He ran a hand through his light hair stressfully.

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