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Fix You - Coldplay

Tears stream down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace


Lights will guide you home

And Ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you


Kali waved away the snowflakes that were falling down on her journal. " Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow" Hermione said, annoyed. Kali chuckled, closing her journal, and looked up over at Ron. " Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again."

Kali glanced at Harry who was sitting beside her. And he too was waiting for whatever Hermione was going to say. " Well, she came to visit you in the hospital." Hermione started but looked beyond uncomfortable. " And you talked. I don't think it was a particularly long conversation." Kali couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Hermione shooting the blonde a glare.

" Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to be short of her," Ron said leaning over the table to Kali and Harry. " She seems a bit" Ron's voice faded looking over a table to Lavender. The others turned to look at her too. " She seems angry." Kali whisperer turning back around.

" So you don't remember anything that night?" Hermione asked. And Kali could hear in Hermione's voice that he would remember. Remember what he said in the hospital wing. " No," Ron thought just for a moment. " Well, there is something" Kali glanced at Harry and he smirked. " But it can't be." Kali sighed and slammed her head down on the table.

She glanced over at Harry who was studying something in the potions book. " What are you looking at?" She smiled leaning over. " I don't know exactly. A new spell." He sighed pointing down at the crumbling book.

" Sectumsempra? For enemies?" Kali spoke reading it. " Well, what does it do?" She questioned and Harry shrugged not knowing what it does. " Don't use it then." She sighed shifting on the bench. " You shouldn't use something you don't know what it is. You could hurt someone" She brushed the rest of the fallen snow off her journal.

" Harry," Hermione whispered to him. " That's Katie" Kali looked up watching the girl who was cursed walk behind them. " Katie Bell," Hermione said as if Harry wasn't understanding. Harry stood going to follow Katie but Kali grabbed his hand. " Harry, don't" She warned. A part of her wasn't even sure why she didn't want to question the Bell girl.

But Harry shrugged off the small girl's hand. And called out to Katie. Kali being sure to stay hot on his heels. " How are you?" he questioned and Katie turned to them. " I know what you're going to ask Harry, but I don't know who cursed me." She spoke so simply.

" Thank you, Katie, we're glad you're okay. Come on Harry." She tried to pull Harry away from Katie. Kali's heart was racing and again she didn't know why. " I've been trying to remember," Katie spoke again. " But I just can't" But then Katie stopped talking. And her eyes went straight past Kali and Harry. Frozen on to something. Someone one.

Kali turned around slowly following Katie's sight. Grey eyes beaming at her. Feeling her chest rising and falling rapidly. The golden necklace he once have her felt cold against her hand. And Harry turned around too, following the girl's line of vision. Draco reached up, adjusting his tie, seeming uncomfortable.

" Draco '' Kali whispered out so gently, no one could hear her. " Harry come on let's go sit-" But Draco spun around leaving the great hall and Harry chasing after him.

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