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Dancing When I Die - Heather Jassen

If it all ends tonight, and it's you by my side

I'll be dancing when I die


She placed the open sketchbook on her bed. Walking over to the mirror she had looked at herself so many times before. She wiped the tears that stained her cheek away. Letting out a long breath. She would do what she need to do. No matter what.

Walking over to her closet she pulled out one of many Hufflepuff robes, slipping her arms through the sleeve. And for a moment she thought back to the first time she had even placed one on. And how badly she wished to turn back the clock.

And ever so slightly she reached behind her head, untieing the lavender ribbon. She held it in her hands staring at it, a simple smile was on her lips. She clutched it tightly bring it to her lips, kissing it gently. She walked over placing it atop her favorite book.

Then slipping off the diamond ring that was placed on her finger not so long ago. Then reached behind her head again to unchain the badge necklace that hadn't left her neck since her first year here. She placed them neatly on her nightstand.

And then she glanced to the ring that had 'Always' engraved on it. She began to pull it off but stopped. Pushing it back down. She reached for her journal writing down a few final things before she started this war.


" Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening that Harry Potter and Kali Valerian were spotted in Hogsmead." Snape spoke. Kali kept her head down. Linking hands with her Hufflepuff friend beside her.

Whispers broke out in the room. " Now should anyone student or staff attempt the aid them, You will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events for fails to come forward will be treated as equally guilty."

Snape began to make his way to the crowd of students. Kali could hear Julie beside her gulp. " Now then if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter and Miss Valerian's movements this evening I invite them to step forward. Now"

No one moved, Kali let go of Julie's hand. And slowly took out her wand. Walking to the center of the room. Everyone gasped when she was in view. Harry followed right beside her.

" It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem headmaster," Kali spoke strongly and the doors behind her opened.

" How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night!" Harry yelled stepping forward. " tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him!" Snape pulled out his wand holding it to the two.

McGonagall stepped over and stood in front of them. She held her wand proudly.


" Wake up" Kali shook the blonde. He groaned. " Malfoy wake up" She continued to shake him. "Draco!"

" WHAT!" he finally sprung up angry.

Kali rushed over picking up a robe off the floor and throwing it to him. " Come on get up we'll miss it!" He frowned watching the girl rush to the door. " Miss what Kali it is three in the morning" He hissed but slowly pulled the robe over his arms.

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