Always Choose Good

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Astronomy - Conan Gray

We've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars

We've seen everything from Saturn to Mars

As much as it seems like you own my heart

It's astronomy, we're two worlds apart


" You kept everything" Kali sniffed and wiped a tear away. " Of course I did. I couldn't possibly think of replacing my roommate" Julie said from behind Kali"

Kali whipped around and engulfed Julie into a tight hug. " Thank you so much" Kali chuckled but still was sniffing from crying. " Don't mention it tiny" Julie squeezed the girl to her. And the girl stood there for a moment holding each other. No one spoke, no one moved. It was something both of them needed.

Julie pulled away " Okay where whatever you want, it's time for a war" the smile that was on Julie's lips looked determined. She was ready for was, Kali wasn't sure she was though.

" Oh and I figured you might want to wear this." Julie walked over to Kali's old bed picking up a neatly folded robe. She handed it to Kali. Puzzled Kali looked to the robe, why wasn't it hanging in the closet like all her other ones were. But when her eyes saw the serpent on it, she gasped.

" Draco's robe" Her hands squeezed it tighter. " I figured when we go out there maybe you would want to wear his." Julie rocked back and forth on her heels. And the tears that Kali once wiped away were back. She shook her head.

" No" was all she said for a moment and Julie was confused.

" I am going to wear the robe for where I belong." Julie nodded to her and then walked to the door. " I'll let you get ready." Kali nodded and watched her leave the room.

Kali walked around the room. Smiling at the pillows. The memories were everywhere in the room. Kali paused when she saw her journal on the nightstand, beside her favorite book.


" You never speak much of my father." Kali sighed listening to Dumbledore speak so highly about her mother. " I guess you are right about that." Kali shifted in her seat. " What house was he in" Dumbledore smiled at the girl. " You know" Kali nodded slightly.

" How did you find out?" Kali took out the picture she always held close to her. Showing him his once daughter and the man beside her wearing a Slytherin robe. " That's my father?" She questioned and again she already knew the answer.

" I guess I don't speak of him because we never much got along." Kali huffed looking away from Dumbledore. " Because he was in Slytherin?"

" If I didn't like him because of his house then why would I like Draco Malfoy."


Kali frowned taking out the picture from her pocket. Something was starting to settle in.


" What is it?" She asked him. " You are very intelligent," Dumbledore said, as she picked up on the mood. " And even more powerful." Kali didn't believe him. She still and probably always would struggle with spells.

" You see," Dumbledore said, " Years ago, not too many, a little girl wrapped in bright lavender, with eyes of emerald, and gold curls, was born." Kali shifted on her feet listening. " She was beautiful, and just looking at her, I already knew how much strength was within her. And then one day, I was given the task to raise her." Kali's eyes widened knowing she was the girl he was talking about.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora