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Dangerously - Charlie Puth

I loved you dangerously

More than the air that I breathe

Knew we could crash at the speed that we were going

Didn't care if the explosion ruined me


" Draco?" She questioned quietly. Kali frowned watching him stand up, thinking something was wrong. " Did I- did I do something wrong?" She practically whispered afraid of his answer. Draco stood in front of Kali who was now trembling from nervousness.

" No darling you're perfect, but I want to try something new, trust me" She looked up at him as he leaned over her. She thought to herself, not understanding exactly what he meant. But she gave him a small nod. " Always" She whispered up to him. A devilish smile formed on his lips and his eyes slightly darkened.

He dipped down kissing her gently while one hand pushed her chest back down. Making her fall back onto the soft mattress. She gasped when the soft material hit her back and he bushed a knee between her legs, not leaving her lips once.

He pulled away looking down at the girl in his bed. He bit his lip knowing the grin on his face had to be huge. The small girl looked away from him, almost wanting to hide herself. He dropped to his knees and grabbed her ankles, pulling her to him.

" Draco what are- Draco?" She started shaking, not even being able to form a sentence.  " Don't worry baby, you'll be okay" Her chest rising and falling as she looked up to the ceiling. " Kali?" She looked back down at him and he gave her a warm smile.

" Spread your legs, darling" he coos and the girl shivered slowly obliging to him. She felt his cool hands trace patterns up her thighs. Before slowly pulling them apart even more. She kept her eyes on his, watching as his head dipped down between her legs.

The girl began to pant as Draco placed small kisses starting at her knees, and moving up. She felt the last kiss on the inside of her upper thigh dangerously close to her warm heat. She gulped not feeling anything for a moment.

Until she felt his lips leave a kiss right on top of her folds. She gasped out instantly lifting her hips off the mattress at the new feeling. He looked up chuckling to himself slightly. He placed a hand on her lower stomach pushing her back down. " This okay?" He asked gently to the trembling girl. She hummed knowing she couldn't make any words at this moment.

Draco nodded dipping his head back down. She felt another kiss placed over her heat and she whimpered trying to move but his hand held her in place. His tongue slid out licking slowly up between her folds. She moaned, feeling his tongue moving up and down on her core before stopping at her clit, puckering his lips, and sucking.

" Draco" She breathed out heavily, flying her hands down to his hair. She laced her fingers into his hair, as he worked down on her core. Using his other hand she felt a single finger inserted into her. She whimpered tugging on his hair. He groaned listening to her moans and feeling her pulling at his hair.

He pumped one finger fast into her, while his other still held the girl in place. Kali started feeling the burning in the pit of her stomach forming. He pulled back looking up at her, her jaw dropped and her eyes screwed shut. " I'm going to add a second love" She nodded, opening her eyes to look down at him.

She hardly ever looked down at him. In fact, she was always looking up, but the view of him between her legs was pleasant enough for her. She felt another finger sliding in, and a burning feeling from it. She whimpered but his lips placed back down to her core sucking again, distracting her from the slight pain.

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