It Matters How This Ends Part 77

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"So what's your plan? You do know there are two witnesses out there, right? And your gunshot will surely be heard.", I asked, risking making him mad.

He chuckled, looked at his gun and back at me.

"Oh, Alex. Do you really think I'd go through so much trouble?", he touched a lock of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"No, no. There won't be any blood. There won't be any sounds. Nobody will know. But you will be dead, though."

"You don't have to do this.", I begged.

"You didn't have to betray me either, but you did, right?"

I kept quiet and looked down.

"I thought so.", he said and stood up.
I looked up at him and wondered what he would do.

"Vaaaaaause! What's taking you so long, uh? You used to come right away, maybe you're doing it wrong?", Nicky shouted from the other side of the door.
Kubra looked at me and I knew I had to get rid of her.

"I just need another minute.", I said and hoped she would go away.

Nicky tried to open the door;
"Open this fucking door before I break it, uh!?", she shouted.

"Get rid of her or I will.", Kubra hissed and pointed the gun at me. I stood up and walked to the door.
My knees were weak and I could barely make it.
I opened the door just a little bit and looked at Nicky. She looked at me;

"Shit Vause, you look like hell. Do you need uh, some painkillers or somethin'?"

"I'm fine.", I said and raised my eyebrows at her, hinting that something was wrong.

Nicky started at my face and I was hoping she would get my signals.

"Oh, shit.", she exclaimed and I was beginning to feel some relief,
"You really are getting it on by yourself, aren't you?!"

I sighed and closed my eyes in disappointment. I felt Kubra's gun being pressed against my back and I knew I had to wrap it up.

"See you, Nichols.", I said and was about to close the door when she stopped it with her foot;
"Whose sunglasses are on the cuppoard behind you?", she whispered.

Finally! I couldn't believe she got it.
Maybe there is a way out, I thought to myself.

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