It Matters How This Ends Part 73

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"Listen kid, I've recently been promoted to Queen of all carrots so I happen to know that the carrots are self-cleaning. That's why it's purple. You see, uh, it changes colors. When it's dirty, it turns yellow. When it's clean it turns purple.", Nicky explained.

Piper gasped;
"Ohhhh. Okay."

"You good now?", Nicky made sure we weren't about to go through this again.

Piper nodded;
"I think so."

Nicky continued;
"Good, so how about we get off the floor and have another drink?"

"Yes, please!", I got up from the floor and poured us all another drink;
"Cheers! To rabbits with six legs and flies with green backpacks!"

Our glasses clinked together and we partied the night away.

The annoying sound of Piper's alarm woke me up. I looked at the time which read 7:15 AM.

"What the fuck.", I mumbled to myself and turned it off.
I closed my eyes and dozed off.

I woke up a few hours later on the couch and looked around. Piper was sleeping on the kitchen table, in her sweatpants and her bra. Her mouth was half open and she was drooling all the table.
I looked for Nicky, but I couldn't see her.
I got up from the couch and walked into the bathroom to pee. I sat down on the toilet and exhaled in relief.

"Morning Vause."

"Shit!", I startled and got up from the toilet seat with my pants still down.
I looked to my right and opened the bath curtain where I saw Nicky laying in the bath with a bottle of whiskey in her hand.

"What the fuck?! What the fuck happened last night?! And why are you hugging a bottle of whiskey?"

"I don't know, man. My head feels like it's gonna explode.", Nicky was just as confused as I was.

"I know. I haven't been this hungover since our little corn getaway. I'll look for some ibuprofen. Take a shower if you want."

"What do you mean, eh? You're not gonna shower with me?", Nicky raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"You know I would. But I'd probably just puke on you.", I said and left the bathroom.

I got to the living room and searched the cabinets for some pain killers, when I heard Piper moaning from the kitchen;
"Mmmmmmmmm ahhhh."

I walked up to her and gently stoked her hair;
"Are you dream fucking?"

"Mmmmm, what?", she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me;
"What happened last night?"

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