It Matters How This Ends Part 119

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Piper smiled from ear to ear and I felt happy that I could make her happy.

"You like it?", I asked anyway.

"Like it? I love it! This is so sweet, Al! How did I ever get so lucky?",
she kissed me.

"Right this way, ladies.",
the woman said and walked with us to the chair.

"What kind of ring would you like to have? We have a book full of ideas right there on the table, if you would like to take a look.",
she said and pointed to the book.

"No, we're good. Thank you though. I would like a tattoo of a ring that looks exactly like the one she is wearing.",
Piper said with confidence and reached over for my hand. I put my ring off and gave it to her.

"Very nice. If you just leave it with me, I will do some quick sketches and we will be ready to go in just a moment.", the tattoo artist said and took the ring.

Piper and I walked around the studio and checked out pictures of some of the tattoos she did. They were all very good, but some ideas were ridiculous.

"Who gets a unicorn on their thigh!?", Piper whispered to me and showed me the picture.

I chuckled and wanted to comment back, when the tattoo artist said she was done and ready for us.

"Who wants to go first?", she asked.

"I'll go.", Piper voulenteered.

I was surprised, but let her go first.

"You want me to hold your hand?", I said in all seriousness.

"Very funny, Al. No, I do not need you to hold my hand.",
she rolled her eyes at me and sat on the chair.

"This might sting just a little bit.",
the tattoo artist warned her as she put the tattoo gun on her finger.

"Ow!", Piper exclaimed.

"Do you need me to hold your hand now?", I winked at her.

"Shut up and do it.", Piper swallowed her pride.

I sat down next to her, held her hand and observed the tattoo artist. She seemed like she has been doing this for a long time.

10 minutes later, I could barely feel my hand from Piper's grip. Luckily, we were done.

"It looks beautiful!",
Piper shouted and kept looking at her finger;
"Okay Al, your turn."

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