Chapter 81

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Wen Xiaohui woke up in severe fatigue.

He hasn't been so tired for a long time. Even if he used to spend a whole day in the gym, venting and masochistic exercises, he will not be like now. The whole body muscles seem to sink dozens of kilograms in an instant, even a finger. Too lazy to move.

The waist down position was almost insensible. This feeling was fairly familiar to him. Once he and Luo Yi lingered all night without restraint, they were almost immobile the next day. Luo Yi's youth and physical stamina made him unbearable more than once, only this time it passed.

He reluctantly raised his hand and covered his eyes. The light leaking through the window was too bright and dazzling. His heavy mood and gloomy status quo were like a vampire hiding in the shadows, and he couldn't see it and didn't deserve such sunshine.

The memory of last night is very vague, but it is not like the first time he and Luo Yi, the first time he completely drank the fragments, this time, at least his body helped him remember how crazy he was, but this time The biggest difference the first time was not whether he remembered it or not, but that he was calm.

What anger, anger, annoyance, regret, shame, nothing, just calm, after all, he knew that this day would happen sooner or later, doing it when he was drunk and confused, better than Luo Yi's patience to the limit, showing his fangs to At that time, it's no good for anyone.

He lay on the bed with his eyes open for a while, barely enduring the soreness and got up. His body and bed were very clean, and there was only a faint smell of alcohol and detergent in the air, which Luo Yi had cleaned up. Luo Yi's thoughtfulness is always the same. He has never singled out the problem. It is also weird. A person can be gentle and cruel to the extreme.

After he got dressed, he thought of Luo Rui and walked out of the room.

After passing through the corridor, Wen Xiaohui saw Luo Yi stand up from the sofa. He put down the notebook on his lap and walked over, with an undisguised dazzling smile on his face: "Why get up and take a break? ."

"Where is Luo Rui?" He opened his mouth in shock, how could his voice be so dumb.

"Still asleep, he is drunk than you."

Wen Xiaohui opened the door of the guest room and saw Luo Rui really sleeping on the bed. Then he was relieved. With Luo Yi there, he was always very nervous and worried about everything.

Luo Yi brought the door lightly and put his arms around his shoulders: "You can eat something when you get up. You can continue to rest after eating. You're tired last night." That mouthful of warmth is as industrious as before.

"Yeah." Wen Xiaohui avoided his hug without a trace and walked to the restaurant.

Luo Yi stared at his hand in a daze, hanging stiffly.

Opening the heat preservation box, a light breakfast was placed in front of him, and Wen Xiaohui ate in silence.

Luo Yi sat opposite him and looked at him deeply.

Wen Xiaohui cleaned the bowl in two mouthfuls and then got up: "I'll call him up and give him some anti-alcoholic medicine."

Luo Yi grabbed his wrist and said, "Let him sleep for a while, there is no need to take as little medicine as possible to hurt the body."

Wen Xiaohui said coldly: "You don't have to pretend to care about him so much, is it necessary?"

"He is your best friend, of course I care about him."

Wen Xiaohui wanted to laugh, what Luo Yi had done, had Luo Rui considered his best friend. He wanted to shake Luo Yi's hand, but this time he didn't succeed.

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