Start from the beginning

Mr. Park, who had heard him despite his low voice, nodded strongly.

- "That is why I am here today. I know that I am going to ask you too much but ... Could you help Singto?"

- "Help him?"

The man nodded with a serious expression on his face.

- "Yes ... by being his partner in the movie ..."


Krist sighed, setting the newspaper aside.

His mind, once again, had returned to those weeks that he had spent with Singto. Weeks that, even after all those months, continued to haunt him in the solitude of his new home.

He loved him...

Of course he loved him ...

And that was why, after the last scene of the movie and while Singto was asleep on the bed they had been using for filming, he had only been able to do one thing.... Take his check, say goodbye to everyone and give Mr. Park a letter. A letter that he hoped Singto had read after discovering that he was gone.

However, a small voice inside his mind was telling him that the man had not do it. Much less when, after all that time, he had not received even a message from him.

"And what did you expect?", He said to himself as he turned his gaze towards the living room's window - "you leave him without even saying goodbye and just after leaving a message with your new phone number and little else ... the strange thing would be for him not to be mad at you".

Krist smiled sadly and, moments later, dropped his face on the cold glass of the table.


Krist raised his face, slightly flushed, then got up and headed for the front door.

- "I've been waiting for those potatoes for two hours already, Gun!" - he exclaimed while, with a slight growl, he took the knob with his fingers, thus opening the door abruptly.

However, instead of the delivery man who he had been waiting for, Krist found himself in front of a man who, with a suitcase and several bags on the floor, was smiling shyly at him.

- "I hope I don't disturb ..." - Singto muttered as he watched Krist's stunned expression - "you said in your letter that ... that the next time I loved someone I should fight for that person and not let them escape so ... well... I was wondering if you would have space for me in your house..."

Krist didn't say anything for a few seconds, making Singto stop smiling. A second later the man took a couple of steps back.

- "I ... I thought .. I ... as you said you loved me, I thought that ..." - Singto muttered as he looked down at the ground - "I'm sorry.."

Moments later, the man began to collect his things from the ground. However, before he could even take a couple of steps toward the street, a hand grabbed his wrist, causing him to stop.

- "Singto ..." - Krist murmured, then pull the man's arm making him end up in his arms - "Why did you take so long?"

Singto smiled, burying his nose in Krist's chest.

- "That was your fault .. you left me a number, nothing more..."

Krist smiled and, making Singto raise his face, placed his lips on the man's.

- "I may not have thought well what I put on that paper but it was all true. I love you ..."

Singto smiled, putting his arms around Krist's waist.

- "And I love you, Krist ... for a long time ..."

Krist smiled and, after separating from Singto, took one of his hands while picking up one of the man's bags with the other.

- "We have a lot to talk about but for now... Why don't we collect all your things and go home?"

Singto smiled and, after placing a kiss on Krist's nose, nodded.

- "I would love to..."



And here ends the first story. I hope you liked it :)

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