"Optimus Prime approved?" He asked and Amal nodded so everyone seemed to relax. Jack gazed around in amazement, taking in all the Cybertronians that surrounded him, wondering how they were all here together.

As he looked at the other side of the table where somebody had been arguing with another Cybertronian, he stopped and stared for a bit as his heart pounded in confusion when he saw two femmes standing next to each other with their arms crossed.

"You know it's not polite to stare. At least for human standards." The mint green one said, making the pink one smack her. "That's rude!" The pink one hissed to the other one, making her roll her optics. "Sorry. You just look like—"

"Arcee?" Amal asked with a smirk as she approached next to Jack. He nodded in confusion and the blonde haired girl chuckled. "Ever heard of triplets?" She asked and Jack's eyes widened in surprise.

"I guess not of Arcee's." He said, putting the two and two together. "This is Elita-One and Chromia, her twins." Elita scoffed. "Rude. She doesn't even talk about us. I'm so gonna call her out for it once we get back to her." She said with a huff.

"When you...get back to her?" Raf asked with confusion in his voice and the eyes went to him. Amal smirked and nodded as she motioned to the Cybertronians around her.

"Spoiler alert, this is how we're going to defeat Unicron."



Blackscar snarled, his alt form pacing slowly around the mech that was thrown into the center of the room. "The scientist behind all of Megatron's success...Shockwave."

Shockwave looked up at the Cyber Wolf, his red optic expressing no emotion as always. It was something that made Shockwave so feared during the war.

He showed no emotion whatsoever, partially due to the fact that he had no visible mouth and one optic, but also because he was so adamant about his work.

If it wasn't for Soundwave becoming part of the Decepticon army because of who her Sparkmate was, Shockwave would still be on Cybertron, just simply tinkering with science and with life, keeping to himself as he usually did.

Shockwave didn't say anything as he pushed himself up, holding back any sounds that he wanted to let out due to the cutting of his main power line to his arm canon. No one had ever seen him show pain, and he wasn't going to start now.

"Unicron will have fun with you. You'll be a fine addition among the ranks." Blackscar said as he approached, watching the scientist shakily get to his peds. "I will be on no addition in your ranks." Shockwave said and Blackscar's smirk dropped.

"You will do so, or face the consequences."

Shockwave stared at him, adjusting his shoulder pad. "Then let me face them." He said and Blackscar snarled in anger before throwing a command in the Cyber Wolf language to the other wolves in their animal forms.

They grabbed Shockwave quickly and hauled him down the hallway of the giant building. Shockwave didn't watch where they went, barely even caring where he was being taken.

Shockwave knew where his loyalties lied, and he wasn't about to change them simply because a terrorist and liar was going to threaten and beat him.

Shockwave was thrown again and he landed harshly on the dirt of Earth. He shook his helm as it spun, not being able to readjust his optics for a second before he was grabbed by the back of the neck cables.

"My Lord, this one refuses to be among us. He would much rather live in pity with the others." Blackscar spat as he glared at the Decepticon Engineer. Shockwave's optic trailed up, not surprised to see Unicron sitting in a giant thrown above in the arena that he was in.

Shockwave wasn't one for finding any other form of entertainment other than his work, but you didn't need a genius to figure out that Unicron had made a enclosure to watch fights and executions happen for his own entertainment, be they of Cybertronians or Humans.

"It would be a pity to lose such an asset such as yourself to the loyalties of a Mech so pathetic." Unicron said as he stood up, optics pinned on Shockwave, nodding silently to Blackscar.

The Cyber Wolf aimed his other set of claws at the spot where Shockwave's spark would be from behind, a low growl escaping his lips. Shockwave swallowed, his optic looked at the ground for a moment, as if he expected to see somebody there, running up to greet him happy.

"Not just a mech."

Unicron cocked an optic ridge and Blackscar gripped his neck cables a little tighter. Shockwave looked up at Unicron again, and for some reason the god could sense a anger directed toward himself.

"My family."

Unicron snarled. "Pathetic." He said and waved a servo to Blackscar. The Cyber Wolf snarled and launched his servo into the back of the scientist with amazing speed and strength, sending it all the way through.

Shockwave let out the faintest of grunts as he looked down to see his own faintly glowing spark, the pulse of it slowing at the wires and pipes detached.

Blackscar snarled in satisfaction as he dropped the spark of the Decepticon and retracted his servo through the hole he had created in the mech. Shockwave fell to the dirt, his arms shaking as he attempted to stay awake for just a little longer.

Blackscar's peds came into his tunneling view, kneeling in front of the dying mech and smirking. "I'm impressed." The Cyber Wolf said with his optic ridges raised. Shockwave looked up at him, his body shaking as it began to shut down.

"You will not win." He whispered faintly and Blackscar chuckled. "Oh really? Did that human show you too many cliche human films?" He asked sarcastically as he lifted up the scientists helm slowly with the claws on his servo.

"It's written—in the stars..."

Blackscar frowned a little.

"And what would that be?"

Shockwave's optic shakily and slowly looked up at him and Blackscar felt the emotions seem to pour into him from the scientist just by staring. And the loyal Decepticon took a shaky breath.

"She will rise."

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