-Lucifer's Blood-

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Four days had passed by and the clay had fully healed my stitches. I had to wait a week longer till I could take them out. But everything looked good according to Ian. "Use the clay again tonight and then for the next week use the herbal balm and make sure you clean it and replace the bandage every day." He said. He was putting together a herbal tea for me to drink. "You should of called one of us Autumn." He said stopping what he was doing to put his attention on me. I rolled my eyes, getting up from the chair. "I handled it perfectly fine." I said. "No you didn't. You were in the edge of dying from bleeding out and poison from the blade. Your blood was yellow, I don't get how you didn't see that. But it was because of the drugs and the poison." He said, almost as if he was reassuring himself. I said nothing soo after, I just stood there waiting for him to mix the herbs. He was taking his sweet little time.

Right then Lucifer walked into the room. He came right up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He placed his lips at the crook of my neck gently placing a kiss there. He pulled me even closer and gently grazed my neck with his teeth. "Have you thought about using Lucifer's blood Autumn?" Ian asked turning his attention from the herbs that were in the wooden bowl to me. "I'm not going to use his blood to heal faster." I said, trying to pull away from Lucifer. He wouldn't let me go. I was so annoyed, he always had a way of being stubborn.
I didn't even fight it. I really want to go out tonight. Even if it's to dinner. I wanna leave the house. But it's like I'm on lockdown. I can't go anywhere.

"You should consider it, you'll be able to heal right before the wedding." He said to me. I didn't reply, I was reminded that we had a food taste testing after my little meeting with Ian. Which meant that l would be tasting all the food and making sure it's good. I actually want to invite my mom. It's just weird telling her that I'm getting married. I mean how did I say that after not communicating with her for months now? She probably thinks something crazy happened to me. I'm thinking of sending her a mailed and virtual message inviting her to the wedding. It's gonna be weird watching her watch us. I mean she didn't really gain his approval. It really didn't matter if he did, he had already claimed me.

I snapped out of my thoughts right then and took the jars of herbs. He threw in and extra jar that was marked 'Yoni Steam'. This was something I'm guessing he felt I needed to do make my cookie sweeter and tighter. I didn't say much. "Thank you Ian." I said pulling him into a warm hug. He was careful where he placed his hands. He didn't want to hurt me in any way,shape,or form. We walked out of the room and to the dining area. The food was set up and I was ready to eat. The funny thing is that Frank, Ian, Dimitri, and I are gonna be taste testing the food. Lucifer and his brother will be watching us and basically co signing on it all. We all took our places at the table. We are served with the seafood first. They lay out all of the shell fish and then the actually fish. We take part in small pieces of the fish. We eat some of the shell fish and soon we decide on the oysters, clams,conch,snapper,and salmon. We also liked the shrimp they had but felt it would be good in soup or the some sort of Alfredo.
They cleared the table and soon placed the meats on top. There were various kinds of meats. I was more of a steak and turkey gal. "So Lucifer, don't you think it would be a good idea to give Autumn your blood. I mean I've seen movies where people are able to heal from a paranormal's blood."Frank said. I rolled my eyes and take another bit of the steak. "I've tried to tell her that she would benefit greatly from it. But it seems as if she doesn't care to take advantage of such an opportunity." Lucifer replied. "The only side effect of taking his blood is horniness, crazy attachment,and being able to sense each other's emotions and feelings." Dimitri said taking a bit of the duck meat. I shift my attention to Lucifer, who was staring at me. I broke eye contact. He places his hand on my leg. Gently rubbing up and down.
I continue to eat and then place my bot on the small card on beside the plate. They clear the table and place a ton of side dishes on top. I was not full, but I knew that by the end of this I'd be full. I place a little of everything on the plate and so did everyone else. Except for Lucifer and his brother. They didn't eat, but they were a big fan of drinking. I take a bit of my food. "I can't tell that the two of you are having a lot more sex." Frank said. I furrow my brows and place my attention on the plate in front of me. I could feel him looking at me with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and focus my attention on everything other than them.
I place for on the paper. So does everyone else. Soon the table is cleared and then the desserts are placed on top. I begin to dig into everything. About five minutes later I was finished and ready to go to my room. I voted on the paper and got up from the table. "Excuse me." I said getting up from the table and walking to my room. Lucifer walked in behind me. I take a seat in the bed and watch him. He was standing right in front of the door. The look he was giving me was filled with nothing but pure lust. The pulled out a small bottle from his pocket with a cork screw top. It was his blood.
I knew what was next. He handed it to me. I take it and take out the cork screw. I then gulp the bitter blood down and finish the bottle. I was immediately overcomes by a immense amount of energy. I could feel my cells merging with his own. It was almost like his blood was dominating mine again. This time I was sweating. My blood was basically boiling. This was an amusing site for him because now I'd be completely his. Now he could summon me at his command on the other side of the planet. I'd still be able to feel him in me. I'm basically bonded to him.I hand him the empty bottle and my back. I could feel the areas where I had my cuts tingling immensely. I  don't say a word to him. I just close my eyes.

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