-Dining With The King-

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I sat there in my bed trying hard to concentrate on the little grey hole in the wall. Which was probably made by a nail or something? I focused hard. Why because I had nothing better to do, nothing at all.
           The sound of my door opening made me growl. " Yes?" I asked. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your staring contest with the wall." Mystic said pausing as she looked at me with a funny facial expression. "Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that we are all having dinner and my brother would like you to come upstairs to dine with us." She finished her sentence, taking a deep breath at the end.
          I stared at her, mouth open and all. "What?" I asked for the mere factor of annoying her. She rolled her eyes, groaning.  "Autumn I know you heard me correct don't play dumb with me. If you continue to be this way. If you don't come upstairs to dine with us. You know my brother will be very pissed." She said in her usual high pitched concerned tone. "Well." I said pausing to look at her. " I don't really care one shits to uhm hmm.. Dine with him. He can kiss my as...." Before continuing the rest if my sentence, I was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat.
       "Fucking hell." I murmured under my breath. "Mystic upstairs NOW." The King, I mean Alexander said in his dominant tone.  Mystic turned to exit the room. "No Mystic, stay.." I said looking at Alexander.  Alexander turned to lock eyes with Mystic. Quickly, she turned and walked out of the room.
       Groaning, I stood up from my bed walking over to my closet. I searched through the various amount of dresses, pants, skirts, and shirts.  I want something that I can slip out of quickly. I thought to myself. Before I could pick up the black tight dress, I was pinned against the wall.
          I looked at the wall behind him. He pressed himself hard against my body. The rush of blood throughout my body was enough to make me weak. I struggled under his tight grip, but it didn't help. His eyes were dark with anger and lust. 
    "GET OFF OF ME." I yelled, pushing against his hard body. "NO. " He yelled back, tightening his grip. I winced in pain. "Fuck... I'll dine with you, just move. You are the last..." I stopped talking.
     He pulled away from my body, then picked up my one and only lava lamp. And threw it against the wall. It smashed into a million pieces, creating a unique artwork that smelled of toxic chemicals. Anger ran throughout my blood. I charged toward him only to be thrown down on my bed.
         "Make sure you get your ass upstairs when you finish crying. " He said before exiting the room.
I sat down at the table. I had on my best rose perfume, a black dress, and boots. I didn't feel like shaving my legs so instead, I wore pantyhose without any underwear.  Oh and I made sure to wear a push-up bra, I used butt tape to glue my twins up and together so a good amount of cleavage could be shown.
        I had planned to go to one of the night clubs with a friend of mine, he is a werewolf. I found that out through uhm experience, let us just say he didn't do so well with certain jokes about dogs.
        I grabbed a plate and I started to place a little bit of everything, stacking the food high. Mostly because I knew no one would eat it. Why? Well because each member from this family is a demon. The men were like Greek Gods and the women were roses dripping with honey.
     I sat up straight, then without another breath, I started to stuff my face with the delicious food. I went in no order. From peas to oysters, to the fish, to the bean, to the yams, and then to the rice. When I was finished, I burped loudly. After doing so, I placed the table towel over my lips. Then mocked the sound of a school girl giggling.
       I looked up to many eyes piercing into my flesh. Turning my head, I looked at him. Our eyes locked for a while. Then I stood up slowly, making sure to pull my dress down a bit to cover my thighs.
        "I hope you are not planning to leave the castle tonight. I have work for you to do." The kings said. "Don't be ridiculous son. Have you not witnessed the hard work she has been doing for the past couple of weeks? I believe that it would be a pleasure and relief to her if she had the night off, tonight and tomorrow since the ball is indeed tomorrow. Isn't it?" The king's father asked, with a confused facial expression.  " Yes it is pa pa... And I do agree with father." Mystic said rubbing her father's hand and holding her boyfriend's hand.
       I smiled. "Well, I see we have all reached the same consensus. I must go before I miss my ride." Just after saying that I heard the horn. Running to the front door I heard a low growl, and I believe I heard him yell something. But I just walked out of the house and into a wonderful life.
"I SWEAR, I FUCKING SWEAR, IF SHE COMES BACK, WITH ANY MANS SCENT IN HER, I WILL HUNT HIM DOWN AND MAKE HIM WISH HE HAD NEVER HEARD  HER VOICE, TOUCHED HER SKIN, OR EVEN.." The king said stopped at that. "I need you to track her by scent and watch her for the rest of the night." The king said to his guards in a very serious tone.  "As you wish sir." The guards said.

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