-A Sincere Authors Note-

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I feel as though for many this story may be confusing, for others it is entertaining, a story which takes them someplace else. *Smiles* I had a reader send me a message saying that it was a bit confusing due to the fact that it isn't going in the direction of the actual synopsis. I totally understand, and I replied with this message, that I would like to share with you all, because this is how I feel honestly, and truly.

My Note:

Hello, I totally understand what you are saying.Some others have had some trouble or have been a bit confused about the story. Which I do understand. I did do a quick outline of how the main character came to Ireland and of how she found out about the supernatural beings.

To be totally honest with you. I could change the synopsis. Actually let me rephrase that. I will probably change it once. I myself know where the story is going. I know that sounds a bit strange. But when I write, it comes on strongly. Like an urge to take a drug. (That's a bit too dramatic, of a way to put it.) *laughs*)I just start writing, without a clue of where things are going to go. I just follow and watch my characters live. If that makes sense.

The part that I recently added, is a part of Chapter 2. I am not done with the book as yet. It will probably be a long one because I write what my characters give me. I sound so crazy, but it's true. I feel as though when I actually start to warm up and connect with my character. Then I will probably change the title of my story if needed and even the description of it.

Also, you should never feel as though you are offending me or that I will be mad. I understand myself and I do ask myself questions at times about where the story is going. But from what I can feel within. I trust it and understand that it will probably be a bit bumpy and confusing. But things will mellow out and start to make sense. It's almost like life. Crazy and confusing, but eventually it mellows out.

This story and the character are not perfect and things are strange and odd at this moment. But it's only the begging of everything. I have just been introducing to them and I am learning about them as I go along. I sound so weird, but I hope in some way that it is understandable. I promise once I know where things are going. I will tell everyone who is reading and will possibly read my story in the future, what is going on.

I've entered a different world and I'm telling the story of people I just met. You know, my characters.

I'm sorry if it was of no help, I also hope you have a nice day. *Smiles*

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