Arc 4.9 Veronica Schwarzi

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Chapter 4.9 Veronica Schwarzi

Half- Human and Half-Mutant, their kind is called the half breeds that prey on humans. They are not a human nor a Mutant they are just called half-breeds.

Half-breeds were once humans who had a taste of eating human meat, in a world like an Apocalyptic one all living things could be eaten except Mutants.

If you are hungry? Eat.

If there are no human food to eat? Why not humans?

Humans are also food that had lean fat meat, they could also be eaten so why not if you are really that hungry. No one would blame you if you eat one if you are that hungry and besides it's the Apocalypse anyway, no one would look for a dead body in the Apocalypse just blame it all to the Mutants!

Half-breeds are born when a human even had a small bite of a human flesh because of the virus that is in the human's body that would activate when a human eats its fellow human.

Humans evolved because of successfully overcoming the virus in their body but if a human would eat its fellow humans, the meat of a human would trick the virus that it had already turn into a Mutant so the virus would then evolve into something else like how it usually do to those Mutants.

But because the human who ate a human meat is not actually a human, the virus would only change half of the humans features before it stop and then sleeps again.

If a human continues to eat human meat, they would in the future wake up the virus sleeping inside their body and then evolve into a hideous monster that had a Mutant body but a human brain.

And that is exactly what the FL looked like now or who she is now, a half-breed!

"Lotus, you...." Michael shakingly pointed a finger towards Lotus who only showed her canine at him.

"My dear dear Michael, how have you been?" Lotus beamed as she tried to act coquettishly. "I only wanted to talk to you for a second but you were not answering my calls, I guess you're not inside your office after all!" Lotus slammed her fist into his office door, the door fell towards the floor with a loud thud.

"A half-breed!" Abigail gasped as he covered his mouth.

"Correct my dear." Lotus flashed a gruesome smile towards Abigail's direction.

"Lotus, why?" Mac asked as he could not believe that such a "gentle" girl was hiding such a dirty secret.

"Why? Do you have to ask that? I just want to!" Lotus shrilly smiled as she slowly walked towards Michael who nervously back away. "Michael, why do you look so afraid of me? Do you find me disgusting now that I look like this? I guess you only like beautiful people, what a shame." Lotus said trying to look sad but her face even became scarier as her Mutant features twisted.

"Lotus, stop!" Mac got in between Lotus and Michael not letting her advance any longer, Lotus stops 4 meters away from them.

"I thought you wanted to know the truth why Veronica left you? I guess not." Lotus giggled. "Well, why she left you... isn't it obvious? I did it, I f*ck*ng did it! I dragged her far far away and thrown her in a Zombie horde, even I was impressed that she was still alive despite of what I had done. Such a shame though, she looked like a delicious meal in my eyes though but I was lacking time when I drag her to that place so I only got to throw her. Remembering now, I should have at least taken a bite." Lotus licked her lips.

"Lotus, I did not know that you're such a person!" Michael shouted as he looked at Veronica with a guilty expression. "I should have been blind to fall for a person like you in the past, I'm glad that it did not get farther from that seeing how disgusting you are as a human. Oh wait, you're not even a human anymore."

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