James Bond x Best Friend!Reader

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Requested by juviaheartattack1 

You had been friends with James for a while, you considered yourself one of his closest friends. You had promised to not keep secrets from the other, however, what you didn't know was that James was keeping a pretty big secret from you.

You were heading home from the bookstore, you had gotten a few Jane Austen books, you were texting James about having lunch together in the next few days. In the corner of your saw a van pull up beside you, paying it no mind. A hand descended on your mouth, pressing a cloth that seemed to be doused in something was making your eyes drop. He picked up your limp body and placed you into the van. The van sped away.

James pulled his phone out of his suit pocket as he left M's office, as he scrolled through your texts, it rang. He answered. "I was just thinking about you."

"Really, Mr Bond? You were thinking about me?" James stopped in the hallway prompting Q to walk into him, he mouthed 'trace this' Q pushed into the nearest office and shoved Tanner away from his computer. "Where is she?" Bond's voice hardened. "No hello, Mr Bond. Oh well, your friend doesn't know does she? That you are, well shall we say, a spy." There was a heavy pause, "No, well your secret is still safe she is unconscious, but rest assured she is fine...for now." Q twirled his fingers through the air, meaning he needed more time. Tanner had sent a message to M and Moneypenny, they arrived staring at Bond, then at Q who when everyone looked at him, shrugged. Q pointed at the computer, James moved over, noticed the address and left, Moneypenny followed taking the gun that Tanner threw at her which he had had taken from his desk.

While he was on his way, you had woken and was no being questioned. "How close is MI6 to my operation?" You shrugged, the cut on your forehead stinging. "I don't know anyone at MI6, I don't know what you are talking about." The man huffed, looking through your phone. You rolled your jaw, the bruise stinging. There was a bang as the door was kicked in. James entered holding his gun high, Moneypenny behind him. The men tried to fight back but they were outmatched, all of them dropped. James swept you up into his arms, Moneypenny helped you into the car. He dropped her off at MI6 to explain everything. He took you back to his place. He helped you into his apartment.

"Tell me the truth. Do you really work for MI6?" James sighed as he treated your cuts and bruises. He nodded, "I thought we said no secrets, James." You tone was light but shaky. "I couldn't tell you, but I can promise you that I would never let anything happen to you and I will always keep you safe." James pulled you into a hug and kissed your temple. He stood and tugged you towards the couch, he pulled you into his side and once more kissed your forehead. He turned on a movie and you watched in silence, with James holding you against him.

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