Angus MacGyver x Pregnant!Analyst!Reader

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Mac stared out at the house, that he, Riley and Jack were staking out. Bozer was back at Phoenix, with you. His thoughts drifted back to yesterday. You had asked Matty to change your status from field agent to analyst once you had found out your pregnancy. Mac had been thrilled when you told him that you were pregnant, he had become more protective of you since the news. The team had been ecstatic when they found out, both Jack and Bozer had called godfather. Mac had shared a look with you both turning to his best friends telling them they would be sharing the title of godfather. Both men had shrugged and agreed that was a good idea. Riley had tried to subtly ask who the godmother would be, you had told her that both she and Matty would be sharing the title. There had been so many hugs and questions, Jack wanted Mac to name your child after him.

Mac refocussed on the house, still no movement. Riley was making sure everything was set up properly while playing games on her phone, paying considerably more attention to the latter. Jack was dozing in a chair, one hand on his gun. Mac reached into his messenger bag, pulling out a black brio and a pad of paper.

Dear Little One,

We haven't meet yet, we will in seven months. I'm your dad. Your mother is the most wonderful person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She is the love of my life. She is the kindest person, I have ever met.

I love you already despite not having met you yet. You are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Meeting your mother was another, discovering that your mother was pregnant with you is close behind. I love you, little one.

I hope that I can be a better father than mine was. I am going to teach you everything I know about the world. I am going to teach you how to build cars, how to get out of any problem that you may find yourself in. I am going to be there for everything. Your first steps, your first word. The first time you blow something up. Your mother probably won't be too pleased, but she'll love you regardless. I will teach you how to repair a car, how to survive in the woods. I will be the best father I can be for you.

I will do everything I can to protect you and your mother. I love you, little one.

Your loving father,

Angus MacGyver

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