Steve 'Captain America' Rogers x Avenger!Reader

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Steve watched as you continued to sleep, you were sleeping on your stomach. The blankets were down around your waist, Steve's shirt was crumpled and tugged around your torso and it was rugged up slightly exposing the small of your back to the warm morning air. Steve could only just see the waistband of your sleep shorts before they disappeared under the mass of blankets. His eyes dropped back to the charcoal drawing he was finishing of you. It depicted the way you were currently. You shuffled a bit, moving over to Steve's side of the bed searching for his warmth. He smiled, you rose up onto your elbows, blinking lazily. "Hey." Steve called across to you softly. You twisted around, carefully moving the blankets, so they wouldn't tangle around your legs. You looked over at him.

He grinned at you, eyes dancing over your figure taking note of his rumpled shirt, the messy bedraggled hair you sported. "Why are you up so early?" You groaned drawing the blankets closer to you while running a hand down your face. "Its seven."

"That's early." You flopped back onto the bed, tugging the blankets closer to you. Steve chuckled deeply, you could hear sounds of his chair scarping backwards the ruffle of paper as well as a drawer opening. The bed dipped as he sat beside you, his fingers danced along your forehead and down your cheek as he pulled the blankets away your face. "Hey." You smiled, "Hey." You whispered back, you sat up and snuggled into Steve's side. He kept his eyes on your lips before dipping down slightly and hovered his lips over yours, he took a slight breath in before his lips descended on yours. He tugged your bottom lip between both of his, he released your lips before pulling away and kissing your bottom lip once. You sighed as Steve pulled away, he smiled at you. "I have something to show you." He told you, seriousness lacing his tone. "Oh, really? Is it breakfast?" You asked teasingly. "Not yet." He laughed lightly, he handed you a sketchbook. You looked up at him. "Open it." You followed his direction and flipped it open. Your face stared happily back at you, as you flipped through the book, you noticed that all the drawings were of you in some way. Most were you happily smiling, some were of you in action as an avenger. The last page held something surprising, it held drawings of wedding bells, confetti, flowers, and a ring, but what stopped your breath was the words that took up the entirety of the page.


You took in a shaky breath. You looked up at Steve, who was now kneeling at the side of the bed. You hadn't noticed him leave the bed. Your answer was breathy and barely above a whisper. "Yes." He grinned at you through watery eyes, he slid a ring onto your finger right before you launched yourself into his arms, peppering his face with breathless kisses. He tugged you into his lap, arms wrapping securely around you. 

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