Peter Pan x Pregnant!Reader

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Requested by Hopemarie1141

You stood shocked in front of Tink. "I'm what?" Her face displayed disbelief. "Pregnant." She told you, your eyes widened. "What are you gonna tell...?" She trailed off as you shook your head frantically. "I don't think that it'll go down well. I need to get off this island." Tink raised her eyebrows and shook her head slightly, "No one leaves with his permission, you know that." She told you before rushing off the leaving shaking as she passed them. You sighed and rolled your shoulders before heading off to camp. Arriving at camp you hid in your old tent, you hadn't used it in a while not since you started seeing Pan. You spent several hours agonising over what to tell Pan. You twisted your hands over and over, before moving to the hem of your shirt.

Pan watched as you entered camp, he expected you to walk over to him and sit leaning against his legs, like you usually did. Something was off, something was affecting the island's magic, his magic. His brow furrowed, he wanted to find out what was going on and he was sure you knew what was happening. He watched as you walked towards your old tent. The flap closed behind you, and you disappeared. Pan glared into the flames for a few moments, before walking over to the side of your tent that faced the forest. He waved his hand, a shimmering window appeared allowing Pan to see into your tent. He watched as you twisted your hands before moving to the hem of your shirt. Now Pan knew that the mess of magic on the island, was what ever was happening with you. Pan waved his hand again and the window closed. He walked around to the front of your tent and entered the small room. You jumped when you noticed him, "Peter."

"Y/N." He returned the greeting. "Are you okay?" He wanted to know why you were messing with his magic but this, this was the best way to keep you off guard. "I'm pregnant." Then again, maybe it was he who was off guard. "Time stands still here, that can't happen."

"Well apparently for some reason that rule doesn't apply to me."

"This is going to destroy my plan." Pan muttered. "Plan for what ultimate power?" He paused, "You have a plan for ultimate power. Of course, you do." He moved forward. "This plan isn't just for me, it's for us." He cupped your face in his hands. "Do you want this baby?" You asked, feelings flashed across his face. "Or do you want the heart of the truest believer?" He hesitated, that was enough for you, turning you grabbed your coat which held a secret pocket. You began to leave the tent, Pan tried to grab your arm, but you flinched out of the way. You began to run through the forest ignoring Pan's shouts and the branches that slapped your face. You reached into the secret pocket as you reached the cliff face, you pulled out the fairy dust you had stolen from Pan. You flipped the lid off and believed with everything you had left. Your feet left the ground and you began to fly through the night sky. Pan reached the top of the cliff and skidded to a halt. He couldn't go after you now, a baby, his baby, would destroy his power and his plan for the heart of the truest believer.

Your feet touched down on the forest floor inthe Enchanted forest. You were ready to start anew in the land you had leftlong ago. 

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