Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader

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For the purposes of this one shot you will be Team Cap, (or helping Team Cap secretly whatever works)

You watched as Steve arranged his uniform so the arm depicting the Avengers logo sat close to him. It had been two days seen the Accords, Steve had gathered people who thought the same as him together. So here you were, sitting in a hot cramped van, as Sam fiddled with the GPS. Scott was eating something and discussing plans with Bucky. Two days, you thought, two damn days. You had helped save Bucky from getting shot and hunted by the government, crashed a helicopter, gone through airport security and now, now, you were on a road trip with your frenemies. You ate your chips and watched as Steve flicked at the logo. You nudged Sam and motioned with your head to Steve. Sam picked his phone up, turned it on its side and began to record Steve. Bucky and Scott were oblivious, Clint was sleeping and ignoring everyone.

Steve picked up a pair of nail scissors and began to carefully cut through the threads. He was swearing under his breath about Starks and their arrogance, League of Nations, and Austria. Your brow furrowed, before figuring out what he was doing, and you pursed your lips trying not to laugh. Sam grinned. Steve swore viciously under his breath when the nail scissors broke. He grabbed the nail file and you raised your brows wondering why he had grabbed the file, he then began to use it like a saw on the threads holding the logo in place. His fingers slipped, and the file moved and jabbed his thumb painfully. He swore again, you noted how many times he had sworn and began adding up the amount he owed to the imaginary swear jar. Sam kept recording as Steve stabbed himself at least four more times. Steve threw the nail file back into the small bag it had come from. Clint was still sleeping but had moved from his back to his side and was clutching his bow close. Bucky and Scott were still pouring over the plans getting on for the time being.

Steve was now rooting through the bag of items, Sam was shaking with laughter as he muttered savagely about Starks, League of Nations and Austria of all places. Steve exclaimed quietly, as he found what he was looking for. He plucked the rather large knife, Sam snickered softly, and you pressed your lips together. Sam's eyes flickered back to his phone making sure he was recording every second of this. Steve practically hacked at the threads. Sam sniggered quietly, and your shoulder shook with silent laughter. Neither of you spoke, just watched the show. Bucky hadn't noticed anything, neither had Scott. Clint just clutched his bow tighter. Steve swore as he pricked his thumb, a drop of blood appearing. He tossed the knife back and searched for something else, he found a smaller knife and finished cutting the threads. Steve tugged the logo away from the suit and carefully picked the threads away from the suit. The small pieces of red thread began to decorate Steve's cargo pants. He swore once again and brushed them away, before flinging the logo towards the opposite wall where it bounced and landed on the plans Bucky was looking at. He simply brushed it to the floor where it landed and stayed winking up at your ragtag group. Steve kicked at it and swore. Sam nodded and finished the recording before tucking it into his pocket. You both twisted back to face the windshield. Steve looked up at the pair of you, "Let's go." You both nodded and Sam started the van. You fiddled with the radio until Queen began to play. "Send that to me." You muttered, Sam smiled and nodded. You both shared a side-eyed smirk. "How much does he owe?" Sam muttered leaning over as if he was fixing the volume of the radio. "One dollar per swear, so about $150 or so." Sam grinned at you. "Want to tell him?" He asked. "No thanks, I want to live." Sam's grin split his face. "Never thought I would see Steve act like that." You muttered, Sam made a noise of agreement. "Glad I have that recorded." There was a ping, a flash of red and the Avenger's logo landed somewhere by your feet, you both looked towards Steve. Steve was silently fuming and not looking at either of you. He hadn't heard your conversation. You both turned back to the road and you turned the radio up slightly. "Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting road trip." 

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