Steve McGarrett x Wife!Reader

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Requested by shadowgirl2020

The quote in italics has been used from the movie Taken starring Liam Neeson.

Your phone rang, your husband's name and photo flashing on the screen. "Hello."

"My love." Steve answered before there was the sound of muffed protesting. "What did Danny say?"

"He laughed. What are you up too?"

"Just getting home. It's my day off." Steve laughed and filed some paperwork. When he heard a scuffle on your end of the phone. "Hello McGarrett." There was a raspy voice at the other end. "I have your wife. If you do not do as I say I will kill her."

Steve lowered his voice to a more threating tone, which terrified Danny who was tracking your phone. "You do not want to do this. I have a set of skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my wife go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

"What did you do watch Taken before you came to work?" Danny muttered. The was a raspy intake of breath before a groan and gunshot. "Y/N!" Steve yelled.

The team raced to the McGarrett household, there were two bodies on the porch out front. The man was bleeding from a chest wound caused by the bullet that had been fired. You were unconscious, a head wound seeping blood onto the wood.

"Y/N!" Steve shrieked. He cradled your head gently before lifting you into his arms and carrying to the car. He drove faster and faster towards the hospital. When he arrived, you were whisked away, and he was left to scrub at your blood that was staining his hands.

An hour passed, and a doctor entered looking for Steve. "She is fine, just knocked unconscious when her head hit the house. She and the baby are fine." Steve's face blanched white, "Baby?"

The doctor raised her eyebrows, "Eight weeks." Steve walked, run, towards your room. "Hey Steve."

"You're pregnant?" You sat up, "I was going to tell you tonight. Is the baby okay?" He nodded. "Sorry?"

"For what?" He laughed. "Not telling you earlier."

Steve laughed and moved over to you and kissed you soundly. "You're pregnant. We're going to have a baby."

"Poor kid." Danny muttered from the doorway. "Steve as the kid's parent." 

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