Jamie + Danny + Erin x Reagan!Jaime's Twin!Archaeologist!Reader

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Requested by AzaleaLennox

You looked up at your father's large house and let out a heavy breath. You hadn't been home in two years. As an archaeologist, you travelled a lot, mainly to other dig sites to help out or learn more. This year you had been in Cambodia travelling through various sites, giving your expertise at each site. As it was a Sunday you knew that your family would be here for Sunday dinner. You inhaled deeply and knocked on the door. The was a shout from Danny "Dad! Someone's at the door." Quickly followed by another shout, "Well why don't you get it Danny." From you sister Erin. There was a series of heavy thuds before the door opened and your older brother Danny opened the door. "Y/N?" His brow furrowed. You gave a shy smile and shrugged. "Hey, Danny." He laughed and pulled you into a hug. "I thought you weren't getting in till tomorrow." You returned the hug, "My flight changed, didn't get a chance to call." Heels clicked behind Danny, Linda appeared. "What's taking so...Y/N? Its so good to see you again." You hugged your sister in law. "Linda. I've missed you." Danny grabbed your arm and pulled you into the house. You placed your bag, inside the door out of the way. Danny led you into the dinning room. "Everyone look whose back." Danny sang. Your family looked up from their seats as Linda took hers.

They all looked up. "Y/N!" Your father boomed from his seat, he stood and rounded the table. He pulled you into hug. "I thought you were getting in until tomorrow." You shrugged at your grandfather who hugged you in turn, "Flight changed unexpectedly. Didn't have time to call." The rest of your family hugged you. Danny took his seat as Erin made one for you on her side of the table. Your twin, Jamie moved and gave you a short hug, "Glad to have you back." He muttered. You gave a strained smile, the family shared annoyed looks at each other. Dinner was interesting, there was discussion surrounding Danny's job, but the family mainly focussed on your adventures through Egypt, Iran and Cambodia.

After dinner, Danny and Erin offered to do the dishes which surprised the family, Linda was making dessert with the help of Nikki. Linda's boys took the plates to the kitchen, your father and grandfather gave Jamie pointed looks. He stood with a light sigh and grabbed your hand when you returned to the dinning room. He pulled you into the front room, "We need to talk." Jamie tuned to face you after entering the room. "No really," You sassed. "Y/N." He sighed. He placed his head in his hands. You grasped his wrists and pulled his hands down gently. "Why did you leave?"

"I had this amazing opportunity to do what I loved. Travel to where I had wanted to go since I was young. I stayed after Joe's death, but I had to get out of here, I had to leave." Jamie nodded, "I sorry you felt that I abandoned you. I didn't mean to." He nodded again and tugged you onto the couch where you curled into his side. He pulled you into a hug. "I'm for ignoring your calls." You returned the hug and spoke into his shoulder. "I wrote you every day, I have the notebook in my bag." He grinned at you, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." You stayed on the couch curled into each other until Danny found you and lovingly threatened to pour icy water on you both.

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