Dean Winchester x Chubby!Hunter!Reader

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Requested by HailieHendrickson

You rolled over in bed and tugged the covers up closer. You couldn't figure out what you were hunting. Dean had suggested that you all got some sleep when Sam started talking to a book, but to be fair, Sam did do that on occasion. You sighed as you noticed the glowing neon numbers telling you it was 4:30am. You moaned pulling the covers over your head. There were a few close knocks at your bedroom door. "Y/N, you up?" You got out of bed, smoothing the rumpled badges jumping across a yellow background pjs down, the pictures were littered across your body. You opened the door and saw Dean standing outside. "What?" You weren't usually so short with people, but you were tired, your brain wouldn't shut off. "What if it's a wendigo?"

You sighed and leaned against the door and switched on the lamp that was beside the door. Dean noticed how the low light seemed to highlight the soft curves that you had, and how the light seemed to give you an almost glow. He swallowed, he felt for you. He, however, thought that it was the usual feelings he had for fellow hunters. He was beginning to realise, that what he felt for you went beyond the usual friendly nature he had with other hunters. "There was no voice mimicry." You yawned. Dean nodded. "Shapeshifter?"

"No dead body." You yawned again and closed your eyes leaning against the heavy wood of the door. Dean took the opportunity to admire your voluptuous figure some more. You opened your eyes again and Dean looked down at your socked feet noting the lightening bolts and broomsticks that were scattered across. Dean leaned on the door jam, "What could it be?"

"A tulpa?" You questioned, and Dean's eyes lit up. "A tulpa." He breathed, "That would explain everything." You nodded and yawned once again. "That's nice. What makes you so sure that it's a tulpa?" Dean stuttered as he tried to think of a reason. You shook yourself awake as you felt yourself begin to fall asleep and looked over at Dean. He cleared his throat. "Y/N, I..." He paused and leaned in closer to you. As you were shorter than Dean, you had to stand slightly on your toes. "Y/N," He swallowed thickly, "Y/N. I've always liked you."

"I've always liked you too Dean." He chuckled huskily. He leaned in, and his nose brushed your full rosy cheeks. "So, get this..." Sam's sudden appearance made you and Dean jump apart. You managed to keep your standing, but Dean slipped and fell to the floor. "It's a tulpa."

"We know, Sammy." Sam nodded, "I'll grab the gear." He turned and left while Dean got off the floor. You began to turn back into your room to get your gear. Dean grabbed your arm gently, turning you back to face him. He leaned in and kissed you, there was one soft almost unsure kiss before you kissed back. Dean pulled away and you both took a breath before resuming the kiss with a deeper more passionate kiss. 

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