Loki Laufeyson x Bride!Asgardian!Reader

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Loki paced the small chamber that he was using to get ready. He adjusted his formal Asgardian robes. The green and gold colouring highlighted the green in his eyes, the shade of his skin. He breathed in deeply, eyes closed, trying to calm his racing heart. A heavy hand clapped down on his shoulder, Loki opened his eyes and a reflection of himself and his brother stared back at him. Thor grinned at him. Loki began to smile, the smile lighting up his face. "A day no one thought would happen, including you. You are marrying her. You are marrying, Y/N." Thor's teasing tone changed to a lovingly tender tone that Loki had only heard him use when he talked about Jane. Loki's grin widened even though he thought it couldn't get any bigger. The big doors behind them and their mother, Frigga entered. "Loki." She sighed softly, her tender smile growing bigger by the moment. Loki's eyes crinkled.

Loki headed towards the dais, the throne had been removed in exchange for arch which was swathed with green, and gold fabrics with white flowers intertwined. Loki turned to his mother before she left to take her place. "Thank you, mother, you certainly have a way with decorating." Frigga smiled and cupped his face. "Only the best for my son." Frigga clasped Loki's shoulders before moving to take her place beside Odin, a few stairs down. She turned to face the opposite side of the stairs with easy grace. Your family stood in front of the stairs with the rest of the guests at the wedding. Loki's eyes travelled over everyone in attendance, the Warriors Four were dressed up, their armour shining in the light. Only Sif was absent, you had requested she walk you down the aisle.

The music began to swell, and the doors at the end of the aisle opened. You stood in the entrance for a few moments, Sif by your side. Sif was dressed in a wine dark dress that suited her perfectly. Loki turned and illuminated in the setting sun, was you. Your renaissance style dress highlighted your beauty perfectly. The bodice curved to fit your torso and the skirt draped beautifully from your waist falling in slight waves. Your sleeves were conforming until they reached your elbows where they fell free sweeping to the tops of your knees. The white ivory of the dress contrasted beautifully with your skin. There was intertwining stencilling of green and gold around the neckline of your dress, which swept along your collarbones and down to peek at your cleavage. There was more stencilling along the ends of your sleeves, and along your waist, the rest dipped down either side of the slit in your skirt. The slit was in the middle of the dress, showing the silvery grey underskirt, which was also displayed in the trailing sleeves. The excess fabric formed a small train running along the ground behind you. You had forgone a veil and instead wore a flower crown in your hair. Your hair had been tied back slightly, so the flower crown which you wore similar to the princess circlet. The brown twine that was holding all the flowers in place, had little flowers scattered throughout. The larger flowers were at the front, there were two main white roses, one was on top and slightly to the left of the other. Smaller flowers were gathered around, small flecks of green could be seen. Your bouquet had mainly white flowers, with pink and purple flowers scattered throughout. Green ferns and leaves poked through and dangled down, you held in both hands, the bouquet had a slight shield shape to it.

Loki's eyes watered at the ethereal beauty that was walking towards him, the beauty that he had waited all this time to marry, to spend eternity with. He barely heard the priest or whoever it was running him through the droning words. Loki managed to get through his vows with no trouble, the swooning words had affect on the majority of those in attendance, including you. Tears welled in your own eyes, but they did not fall. Similar tears filled Loki's own eyes, as you made your own vows. "You may kiss the bride." Loki almost sighed when he was able to seal this moment in time forever. Loki cupped your face in hands with gentle firmness, drawing you up to his level. He hovered for a few seconds above your lips, inhaling the scent of your perfume and the flowers in your hair. His lips then caressed yours, the gentle press and the intensity of the kiss drowned out the massive cheers that had erupted. You inhaled lightly a few moments into the kiss, smelling the slight scent of his cologne mixed with the smell of old spell books and the tang that was purely Loki. You both pulled away slightly, your eyes meet, Loki's shining with a happiness you had never seen before. The swirling shades of green eyes were filled with nothing short of loving devotion, a look that you were sure was echoed in your own shining eyes.

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