Jameson 'Jamie' Reagan x Fiancée!Analyst!Reader

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Requests are closed, so I can study for my exams. 

You stared at the test results that the doctor had handed you hours before. Crap, you were pregnant. How were you going to tell Jamie? How were you going to tell Erin? You were an analyst who worked closely with Erin Reagan, which was how you met Jamie. He had come by for lunch with his sister and had accidently knocked into you causing your papers to go flying everyway. He had helped you pick them all up and Erin who was wondering where her brother was had found him helping you with the flyway papers. She had smirked and teased him all through lunch. He had asked you out after a few months of being friends, Erin had not been able to stop crowing when she found out that you were dating and when you had gotten engaged. You grinned happily when your engagement ring caught the light, it was a simple gold band with two small diamonds with a sapphire in between. You knew that Jamie would be happy with this news, but it still didn't stop the twist in your gut when you thought about how you would tell Jamie and his reaction to the news.

You walked towards Erin's office, you were planning on having dinner with her and you were going to tell her that you were pregnant as well as you needing advice on how to tell Jamie. You heard muffled shouting, you peaked into her office and saw a man waving a gun around, Erin and an investigator were sitting in her office. You moved as silently to find a place to hide as possible and called the police before calling Danny. You hid behind a desk when the door flew open, the rest of office was empty everyone having gone home already. There were footsteps and feet appeared in front of you. You faced him and put your hands up. "Please don't shot me. I'm pregnant." He shook his head and turned away when the investigator tried to tackle him. There was a gunshot and a flash of pain rippled through your body. You shrieked. Erin rushed over to you and began to press her scarf to your wound as she laid you down. "Erin...Jamie?" You questioned. "Hey, I will call him. But I need you to calm down, okay sweetie."

"Erin, I'm pregnant. Two months. Haven't told Jamie." You managed to get out before you passed out due to shock. Erin swore under her breath as she called for an ambulance.

"Jamie. Dad." Erin rushed to her family, Frank hugged her instantly not caring about the blood that began to stain his suit. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "Jamie, she saved my life. Y/N called the police and Danny. She's going to be fine. Doctors are finishing up now" Jamie drew his hand over his eyes, relieved. "Jamie, there's something else." Danny who had been in the corner on the phone came over and informed them that the shooter had been caught. "What's the something else?" Jamie asked. "She's two months pregnant." The three Reagan men stared at her. "She's what?" Jamie questioned breathlessly. "She told me before she passed out." A doctor came over and informed Jamie that you were in your room and awake. "She wants to see you. One visitor at the moment please." They all nodded, Jamie hugged Erin before moving away to talk to you. Danny hugged his sister before tugging her over to help her shaking figure into a chair, "This is not your fault."

"What if she or the baby hadn't made it? I could never forgive myself." Danny comforted his sister and Frank rubbed his daughters back. "Everything is fine. Nothung went wrong. Both she and the baby sre okay."

After the doctor had left Jamie entered your room, he watched you as you turned to face him, his eyes softened. "Hey." You scrunched your eyebrows at him. "Jamie, hey." Before the realization hit you, your hands flying to your stomach. Jamie rushed to comfort you. "The baby is fine; our baby is fine." You smiled, tears forming in your eyes, "I was going to tell you tonight and..." Jamie kissed you swallowing the rest of your words. "I love you, Y/N L/N, soon to L/N-Reagan." You grinned at him. "I love you too, Jameson Reagan."

"Well isn't that sweet." Danny muttered and Linda wacked his arm. The rest of the Reagan family entered the room, Erin hugged you shoving her brother out of the way. "You had me so worried."

"I'm fine, Erin as is the baby." She smiled, wiping tears away. "Good." You hugged her back. "So, your naming them after me, right?" Danny asked. Jamie chuckled, "We just found out, that I'm pregnant." You protested. 

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