William Brandt x IMF!Hunt!Reader

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William Brandt was laying on his back, sweat beading on his brow. You were sitting nervously beside him as Luther was treating him. You, your older brother Ethan, Benji, Brandt and Luther had all been on a mission when it went pear-shaped. Brandt had been poisoned, Ethan had taken Benji to try and find the antidote. Ethan had wanted to take you but with a pointed look from Luther and a whispered conversation with Benji about why you hadn't let go of William's hand. He had left with Benji, a map and instructions not to die from you.

You took a cloth, dipped it in the cold water and squeezed out the excess water. You dabbed the freezing cloth against his forehead and down his neck before turning it over and laying across his forehead. Luther was reading beside you about the poison and the best way to treat it. You kept the cold-water treatment, you let go of his hand and dipped your fingers into the icy water to ran through his hair.

A few hours later, Benji and Ethan had returned both sporting a few injures of their own. You patched them up, while Luther prepared the antidote. He administered, and you darted back to Brandt's side. Brandt jerked and thrashed around for a few moments. Benji grabbed your arms to stop you from leaping forward to help Brandt. Ethan and Luther stabilised him.

Brandt opened his eyes gasping for breath, he then took a deep breath and sat up. Sweat still soaking his forehead. "You're alive." Was your eloquent response. "No, I'm the ghost came back to haunt you, of course, I'm alive." You leaned forward and kissed him. His lips felt feverish against yours, you pulled away before he could properly kiss you back. Your hands flew to your mouth, "Sorry, its just I thought you were dead." Brandt shook his head, and stuttered out, "It's um...well...its fine." You bit your lip, "I...umm..."

The team talked to Brandt for a while before making various excuses and leaving so the pair of you could talk. "So that kiss?" Brandt questioned. "Was it real? Did...um...did you mean it?" You blushed, "I kissed you after I thought you would die. I think that shows how serious I think it was."

"Good." Brandt slipped a hand around the back of your neck and pulled you in for another kiss. This time, the kiss was long enough for both of you to kiss back. 

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