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Hi guys! This is an alternative thing for HTTYD2, if Astrid went along with Gobber and Stoick to find Hiccup.

Obviously, during HTTYD2. Enjoy!


"... I can change his mind, too" Hiccup told his father, climbing onto Toothless. "Come on" He said to the Nigh fury and they blasted into the sky.

Astrid instantly understood and got on Stormfly. "Let's go." She said and the Deadly Nadder almost flew off until Stoick blocked them.

"NO! Lead the others back to Berk. I've had enough mutiny for one day" Stoick commanded, narrowing his eyes at her and turning back.

Astrid knew that this was her chief and she needed to follow his orders, but it was Hiccup. Hiccup who was being the reckless knucklehead he was and going on potentially a suicide mission. She needed to be there to help him.

No matter how important the chief was, anything compared to Hiccup would always be less.

"No." Astrid denied, straightening and causing Stoick to stop walking. Fishlegs looked nervous off to the side while Ruffnut and Snotlout gaped at her.

"Woah. Who are you?" Tuffnut gasped, getting elbowed by Gobber who's eyes were wide in shock.

"I'm going after him" Astrid told Stoick, her voice calm and unwavering. Stoick turned slowly to face her and arched an eyebrow.

"Astrid. That was a direct or-"
"And that is my boyfriend and your son who left to go negotiate with a crazy maniac" She cut him off, her blue eyes hardening with determination.

"We'll track him quicker and faster with Stormfly and I can get him to get back home, or at least be a little less reckless" Astrid told the chief who pursed his lips.

They all knew that when it comes to things like this, Hiccup would only be convinced by Astrid. He was stubborn, but so was she. She always knew the right things to say and somehow never got the reaction anyone else did when they trier.

Also, Astrid was Hiccup's girlfriend. Enough said.

"We need Hiccup back home, safe, Stoick." Astrid pressed further. 'I need him back home safe' She added in her head, her heart fluttering.

Stoick let out a deep sigh and lifted his eyes back to hers. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go bring m'boy home! The rest of you head back to Berk!" Stoick told them, making a grin appear on Astrid's face.

She looked off into the horizon and the direction Hiccup headed off to. "Don't make too much of a mess, babe" She whispered.

Astrid could almost hear his chuckle and sarcastic response. "Who, me?"


"Boar-headed! Just like his mother! She could never stay put either." Stoick grumbled in annoyance as they flew across the ocean.

Astrid frowned briefly when she heard he mention of the lost chieftess. Stoick often never mentioned his wife and she only heard part of the story from Hiccup.

"Ah, he's just twenty. And a Viking. I mean, could there be a worse combination? Ha! When I think of how stubborn and senseless YOU were back in the day... well, not much has changed, actually." Gobber retorted and Astrid grinned when Stoick subtly rolled his eyes.

"You know what he's like. Especially, you, Astrid!" Stoick told her and she sighed softly, her icy breath floating in front of her.

"Hiccup's really stubborn" Astrid said and Stoick nodded in agreement. "So he won't give up. And if Hiccup finds Drago, before we find him..." The chief thought aloud.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now