Not Nothing

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Hi guys! I loved making this, so I hope you love reading it! Pre-HTTYD! They're 15, but Hiccstrid is switched (read request above)



Astrid Haddock yawned loudly and sat up in her bed. She ran a hand through her blonde hair and walked over to her desk, looking sleepily into the mirror. She gazed at her reflection and sighed deeply.

'Another day' She said in her head and began to brush and fix her hair.

Even if she was the daughter of the chief, she was still bullied and thoughts of as weak. She didn't have any friends. Well, she did, but they grew apart and maybe he turned from being a friend to her crush.

The past few years, she wasn't allowed to work anywhere but the forge, so she wasn't even able to show them how strong she was. But when they did taunt her for it, she couldn't fight back. She couldn't become like them.

'This day is gonna be a good one. Make it a good one, Haddock' Astrid told her self in her head and tried to put on a confident face. Instead of making her usual braid, she made it a side braid and let it sit on her shoulder.

'There. See, already changing!' She said in her head and smiled lightly. She put on her armor and grabbed her axe before walking down stairs to her father.

"Hi dad" She greeted and saw him eating breakfast at the table. He looked up at her and smiled warmly.

"'Morning Astrid." He greeted back and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Astrid grabbed an apple and waived goodbye to him.

"I'm heading out. Bye, dad!" Astrid told him and closed the door, walking over to the forge.

"Don't get into trouble!" He called out after her and she grinned, rolling her eyes. She looked around at the somewhat busy plaza and smiled lightly as saw how great a day it was.

Suddenly, she heard laughing and snickering coming from behind her. Her smile instantly dropped and she rolled her eyes, turning around.

Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and Hiccup stood before her, though only the first three were laughing. Her eyes landed on Hiccup's piercing green ones and she felt butterflies rise in her stomach.

"Awww, look! Weakling's trying to be pretty!" Ruffnut taunted and pointed to her braid. Astrid winced and tightened her grip on her axe.

"Shut. Up." Astrid hissed and glared hard at the Thorston twin who scoffed.

"Astrid. Divine Beauty. Only it doesn't suit you, does it?" Snotlout teased her, making her scowl and let out a frustrated breath. Hiccup bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to break out.

"Just saying, you know. You're weak and useless and ugly. You're nothing basically" He said, making Hiccup's jaw harden and Astrid's grip on her axe loosen. She bit her lip and felt all the confidence she felt earlier drift away.

"Nothing but trash" Snotlout affirmed, making Astrid close her eyes firmly to stop tears from shedding. She can't cry in front of them! It would just make her seem more weak.

"Okay, just stop!" Hiccup interrupted and stood in front of Astrid, frowning at his friends. Snotlout raised an eyebrow at him and Hiccup sighed.

"It's not fair for you guys to treat her that way. She hasn't done anything to you and you guys don't know anything about her" Hiccup defended, narrowing his eyes. Astrid opened her eyes in shock as she heard her crush defend her and gaped.

"And you do?" Tuffnut retorted, making Hiccup grimace. Astrid shut her jaw and her mouth curled into a frown.

"I know that she can knock all of you out right now, but she doesn't want be like you. I know she has incredible skills in battle, but just no confidence. I know she's kind, funny, and all of you know that she's beautiful." Hiccup said, making Astrid blush lightly and his friends gape.

"I know she's definitely not nothing" He added and Snotlout rolled his eyes. "Whatever" His cousin muttered and walked away with all of his other friends.

Hiccup sighed and turned around to face Astrid who blushed lightly and gave him a small smile. Inside, his heart beat faster, maybe the auburn haired boy had a crush on her back.

"Thanks" She said and he shrugged, a small smile on his face. "It was the right thing to do. You don't deserve all that" He replied and she smiled wider.

"Hey, uhh. I'm sorry if they don't let you join their stupid little group again." Astrid apologized, the smile turning into a nervous one. Hiccup chuckled softly and shook his head.

"I'm okay with it. They weren't really great company" Hiccup replied and Astrid snorted.

"Snotlout's in it. Anything with Snotlout can't possibly be great" She added, making both of them snigger and laugh.

"Yeah, he's a real muttonhead. Just ignore whatever he says." He told her and she nodded, both of them smiling. For a second, they were silent and stared into each other's eyes, blue and green, .....slowly leaning in-

"Astrid? Lass?" Gobber's voice boomed from inside the forge and caused the two to jump apart, blushing.

"Uhh, I have to go. Bye" Astrid said sheepishly and Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck, nodding at her. She glanced back at him and he looked back at her. Not holding back anymore, she leaned in and kissed him for a second.

When she pulled back, she bit her lip and ran into the forge without looking back. Hiccup stood frozen and brought a hand up to his lips.

'Definitely not nothing' He said in his head, blushing and smiling lightly as he thought of the blonde viking.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now