Girl Talk

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Hi guys! This happens after HTTYD2, they still look like how they are there! Enjoy!


It was a sunny day on Berk and Astrid and Ruffnut had been in the stables, taking care of their dragon. Stormfly ate her chicken happily and gave her owner a grateful squawk. Astrid smiled in reply and petted her dragons head.

"Is that chicken?" Ruffnuf asked her, a horrified look on her face. Astrid rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip.

"Please don't tell me your afraid of upsetting a chicken" Astrid said and her friend scoffed.

"Not a chicken. A brother who has a chicken and can somehow smell if I was near a dead one" Ruffnut told her and her friend frowned

"He still has Chicken following him around?" Astrid asked in disbelief and Ruffnut shook her head, narrowing her eyes.

"You have no idea" Ruffnut replied with a deep sigh and poured water into her dragon's bowl.

They both heard footsteps come towards them and turned to see Heather walking over to them.

"Hey, Astrid, Ruffnut!" Heather greeted the two, Windshear following behind her. "Hey!" Astrid greeted back excitedly and gave her friend a hug.

"Heather!" Ruffnut exclaimed and hugged her as well, a little too tightly and deadly if you asked Heather.

"What brings you to Berk?" Astrid asked as Heather led Windshear into a pen and filled her trough with food.

"Just came by to see you guys and how you're doing" Heather answered and leaned on the fence, facing them both with a grin.

"We're doing great. Nearly all the ice is gone and some houses are starting to get rebuilt" Astrid told her.

"We've got so much more dragons now, new ones as well! The destruction we could cause is bigger than ever" Ruffnut added mischievously. Astrid arched an eyebrow at her and shook her head.

"Gods, we're doomed" She muttered under her breath when Ruffnut smiled innocently at her.

"Lots of things have changed around here" Heather commented, looking outside at the village that seemed to give a different aura than before. A little more reckless one, but still with the sense of home.

Astrid nodded and continued petting her dragon's head as she ate. "Yeah" She agreed and glanced at her friend with a smile.

"Hiccup's chief now, right?" Heather asked and Astrid smile turned a little sad. "Yep" Astrid confirmed and felt pride swell in her chest for her betrothed.

"And you're general" Heather continued, giving Ruffnut a look that Astrid couldn't see since she was turned around. Ruffnut grinned in response and nodded.

"Yep" Astrid said again.
"Are you gonna be chieftess soon?" Ruffnut asked her friend who nodded again.

"Yep" Astrid agreed and her eyes widened when she realized what she just said.

"WAIT! No!" She instantly denied, turning around and glaring at her friends who tried to hold in their laughter.

"Astrid wants to be chieftess! Astrid wants to be chieftess!" Ruffnut teased in a sing-song voice and Astrid turned to her with wide eyes, looking around them to see if anyone heard.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now