Always a Pair Part II

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Hi guys! The next part is here and I hope you like it! Sorry that it ended in a somewhat weird place, I didn't know what else to put and it was too long.

Anyways, here's the continuation, enjoy!


"Are we there yet?" Ruffnut asked Hiccup, leaning her dragon towards the auburn haired boy who shook his head.

"No" Hiccup answered, looking between where they were going and the map he held.

"Are we there yet?" Tuffnut also asked, making Hiccup sigh deeply.

"No" He said firmly in an annoyed tone.
"Are we there yet?" Snotlout questioned and Hiccup groaned in frustration.

"No! Will you stop?! You've been asking ne that for nearly an hour! Anyone who asks me that again will get hit by plasma." Hiccup told them, turning back and glaring at his friends who looked away from his angry gaze.

"Hiccup, do you think we're near?" Astrid asked him and gave him a small smile, making his heart do small back flips.

"Not yet, m'lady" He answered and returned her smile, feeling the anger he once had fade away. Toothless snorted at his rider and rolled his eyes knowingly.

"FAVORITISM! THIS IS FAVORITISM!" Snotlout exclaimed and pointed exasperatedly to the two. "NO! This is perfect for the wedding!" Ruffnut hissed at him. Astrid rolled her eyes and ignored her friends.

"Actually," Her betrothed started and he looked off into the distance before grinning back at her.

"I think we are" Hiccup said and he led them down below the clouds into a strange place. Astrid looked around the area and her eyes widened when she saw where they were headed.

"Woah" She breathed as she stared at the gigantic ice cave in front of them. Ice spikes pointed out from the cave, making it harder to get in.

Hiccup looked at the cave and then back at his friends who all gaped at it in awe. His eyes landed on Astrid and their eyes connected.

"Stay close" He told her and she nodded before they went around the cave, looking for a way inside. Halfway around, they found a small entrance and flew towards it.

The moment they landed, Astrid and Hiccup quickly took their weapons out, taking her ace from the saddle and lighting up his Inferno.
Their friends landed moments after them and the couple shushed them, knowingly.

"Shhh!" Astrid hissed to the twins who raised their hands defensively as they jumped off their dragons.

"What?!" Tuffnut asked in his normally loud voice, making Astrid glare at him even more. He gasped in realization and placed his hands on his mouth.

"See, quiet!" Tuffnut said, his voice muffled from his hands, making Astrid roll her eyes and turn back to Hiccup.

In front of them were three different openings, enough for them to walk through. Hiccup looked at Toothless and petted his head.

"You'll have to stay here, bud. You won't fit through" He told his dragon and the Night fury warbled softly. Hiccup looked up to his friends and nodded, silently telling them to leave their dragons.

"Usual teams. Twins, the opening on the left. Fish and Snot, the right. Astrid and I-" Hiccup started, being cut off by Fishlegs.

"Hiccstrid" Fishlegs corrected and Hiccup and Astrid rolled their eyes at the ship name.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now