Part Of Him

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Hi guys! Another modern AU where Hiccstrid is 23! Enjoy!


Hiccup walked inside his and Astrid's apartment and shut the door carefully. He looked over to the side where a framed picture of him and Astrid on their recent wedding day sat on a table, making him smile.

"Astrid?" He called out, wanting to see his wife. He put down his bag by the couch and made his way further into the apartment.

"Astrid?" He called again, looking into the study and seeing her stuff there. He frowned and went to their bedroom.

"Astr- oh no" Hiccup muttered when he saw her under the sheets and her pale complexion. She stirred on the bed and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hiccup? Is that you?" She called out tiredly and Hiccup quickly sat beside her. "M'lady, what happened?" He asked, placing a hand on hers and frowning in concern.

"I don't know." Astrid shrugged and then narrowed her eyes at him. "Why is everything blurry?"

Hiccup placed his hand on her forehead and his eyes widened when he felt how hot it was. "Astrid! You're really hot!"

"Thanks, Hicc, but I'm really sick" Astrid replied with a frown, making Hiccup shake his head and sigh.

"That's not what I meant. Did you take medicine already?" He asked her and she shook her head. He nodded and kissed her head before getting up.

"I'll be right back" Hiccup told her, walking out the room to get her the medicine. Astrid hummed in reply and closed her eyes again.

Hiccup walked through their apartment and went over to their kitchen. Toothless and Stormfly happily ate from their food bowls as Hiccup passed them and he chuckled.

He took a pill and filled a glass of water before heading back to his wife. "Here" He said, walking into the room and placing the glass on their bedside table.

Her eyes flickered open and she gave him a small smile. He smiled back at her lovingly and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Can you sit up?" Hiccup asked and she grimaced. She tried to sit up, but only flopped back down in exhaustion.

Hiccup frowned even more deeply and scooted closer to her. She was sweating and panting heavily, her fever obviously getting worse.

He swiftly took off the covers from her body and helped her sit up. Astrid sighed tiredly as he held the cup for her. He gave her an encouraging smile while she swallowed down the medicine.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her. "Really.... dizzy..." She slurred tiredly and fell forwards into his arms.

"Astrid? Oh gods" Hiccup mumbled worriedly, his eyebrows scrunching together. She was unconscious and really pale, making her husband really start to panic.

But he couldn't. He couldn't panic when Astrid needed him. He couldn't afford to lose her.

Hiccup's eyes fixed with determination and he laid her down gently on the bed. He rushed into their bathroom and filled the bathtub with cold water.

He walked back to their bed to check on Astrid when he saw Stormfly nudging her limp arm that was hanging off the bed.

"She's gonna be okay" Hiccup told the dog, petting her head and sighing at Astrid's sick state. Toothless warbled in confusion from the door and scampered inside.

Hiccup's eyes flickered to the cat as Toothless snuggled by his side. "Astrid will be okay, guys." He repeated, trying to convince himself as well.

He scooped her up from the bed and carried her bridal style to the bathroom. He turned off the tap, seeing the bathtub filled and slowly brought her down into it.

Her eyes bursted open the moment the water touched her and she frowned. "Hiccup? What are you-?"

"Shh, shh. You're okay, you just need to cool down." Hiccup soothed as he let her sit down in the tub. Astrid calmed down and leaned her head on the towel at the rim of the bathtub.

"Better?" Hiccup asked her and she nodded, closing her eyes again. He sighed in relief and watched as he breaths even out.

He watched his wife fall asleep and chuckled softly. His wife. It didn't sound right to him. Especially friend or best friend, or even girlfriend or fiancé. None of them sounded right to him because Astrid was so much more than that.

They've been together for so long and been through so much that, at this point, Astrid was a part of him. A part that Hiccup could never live without.


Astrid's eyes opened slowly and she realized she was now on their bed. She looked around sleepily and glanced at the clock that flashed 8 AM.

'Wasn't I in the bathtub?' Astrid asked herself as she slowly got up into a sitting position. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming closer and her eyes lifted to the door.

Hiccup walked opened the door with a tray in his hands, grinning widely at her. Astrid smiled back at him and her eyes widened at the food on the tray.

"What's this?" She asked as he walked over and placed the tray on her lap. "Breakfast in bed" Hiccup answered before she gave him a peck on the lips.

"Why?" Astrid asked, raising an eyebrow and beginning to smile. "Just because" Hiccup said simply and beamed back.

Astrid scoffed in amazement and her eyes sparkled with happiness. "Thank you, Hiccup" She told him and he grinned.

"You're welcome, Astrid" He replied and leaned in to kiss her once more. There was a reason that he brought her the food. It was like a thank you. A thank you for filling his heart and being his missing part in life.

But he figured it was way to early in the morning to say all that cheesy stuff, even if it was all true.

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