He Had Her

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Hi guys! Another request! This happens during HTTYD2! Enjoy!


Stoick turned to his son and smiled happily. Hiccup felt a smile grow on his face as he saw his parents back together and finally reunited.

"Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, son. We never would have found each other" His dad told him, making Hiccup grin widely. His mother chuckled and smiled brightly at her son, wanting to get to know him more.

"What about you, Hiccup? Do you have a special someone back home?" Valka asked him and he blushed deep red. Stoick laughed loudly and nodded.

"Aye. He does. He's betrothed to the Ingrid and Martin's girl" Gobber answered as Hiccup blushed more and face palmed.

"Guyssss" He whined and rubbed the back if his neck sheepishly. What Astrid would say right now if she could see this. She'd call him a dork and punch him. Then, kiss him.

'Thor, I miss her. Even if it's only been a few hours' Hiccup thought and felt his heart fluttering as he thought about Astrid.

"Come on, tell me" Valka urged him while they all sat down around the fire. Hiccup chuckled and then shrugged, giving in.

"Well, her name's Astrid" He started and Valka smiled, encouragingly. "Divine beauty" She said and Hiccup nodded.

"It really fits her. She has shining blonde hair and just amazing blue eyes. And her smile-gods. Don't get me wrong though. She may look like a total valkyrie, but she punches real hard" Hiccup said and Valka laughed softly, nodding along as her son ranted happily.

"Trust me, I know. She's hit me many times." Hiccup mumbled and Gobber and Stoick stifle a laugh. Valka chuckled again at her son and grinned.

"She's a great warrior, a leader, a partner in battle, a fierce dragon rider, Thor, she's just so talented." Hiccup chuckled at the end, a lovesick smile spreading across his face while he babbled on.

"She has a Deadly Nadder and they have a really close bond. They trust each other so much that she can stand on her back." Hiccup gushed excitedly.

"She was the first to ever believe in me and I can count on her to always do. We've been together for 2 years now and I just love her even more" Hiccup said softly, staring at the flames and thinking of her.

Valka grinned happily at her son who looked so in love at the moment. Unknowingly, he had been talking about Astrid for nearly five straight minutes and Valka was pretty sure he could talk about her for more.

She was incredibly happy that her son always had someone to rely on and trust. Knowing her and how much they were alike, Hiccup was most likely always getting into trouble. Valka was happy that Astrid was there to stop him sometimes or just go along with it and help him.

After the war with Drago, Valka saw as Astrid approached Hiccup and laughed with him. They both looked so happy and in love when they kissed each other.

When Gothi made Hiccup chief, Astrid looked so proud and supportive of him. It made Valka's heart melt in joy that someone was there for him.

"Hiccup" Astrid called excitedly and he faced her, both with smiles on their faces. She laughed a little and hugged him tightly.

"You did it, babe!" She whispered happily and he hugged her back. He chuckled softly and kissed the of her head.

"With your help" Hiccup told her and she grinned, both of them pulling back. He looked back at her face and stared lovingly into her blue eyes.

"I am always gonna help you" She said to him, staring back into his green ones. He placed a hand on her cheek and just admired her.

"Did I tell you how much I love you?" Hiccup mumbled, making her laugh softly and nod.

"Yes, you dork. I love you too" Astrid replied and wrapped her hands around his neck to be closer to him. Hiccup beamed happily at her and rested his hand on her waist before pulling her in for another kiss.

Once they pulled away, Valka decided to introduce herself. She coughed lightly and got the couple's attention, making them blush.

"Mom!" Hiccup exclaimed and smiled at her, one hand still around Astrid who had a small smile on her face.

"This is Astrid, uhh, the girl I was talking about" He continued and Astrid looked at him questioningly. He laughed nervously as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh don't worry. Hiccup couldn't say anything bad about you. In fact, he just kept rambling on about how amazing you are" Valka told her, making Hiccup blush and Astrid smile.

"I'm Hiccup's mother. Please, call me Valka" She continued and Astrid nodded at her.

"I'm Astrid, as you already know. Your son's betrothed" Astrid introduced herself and blushed a little when she said 'betrothed' while Hiccup grinned happily.

"I just wanted to say thank you for being with my son all these years. I know he is stubborn and can be so..." Valka shrugged and Astrid laughed.

"Stupid" Astrid finished and the mother nodded at the word. Hiccup frowned slightly and Astrid chuckled.

"What I'm saying is thank you for being so supportive of him. I'm glad he chose you to be the one spends his life with" Valka told Astrid who beamed. Hiccup heard this and pulled her closer to him, in a way also saying thank you.

"It's both a burden and a great pleasure" Astrid replied and slightly leaned against him, grinning widely. Valka laughed and smiled at the couple.

Her greatest fear was that when she left, her son would be all alone. She was glad to know that he wasn't. That he had her.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now